
Scientists recreate out-of-body experiences ?

by Guest60661  |  earlier

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"Out-of-body experiences have fascinated mankind for millennia. Their existence has raised fundamental questions about the relationship between human consciousness and the body," said Henrik Ehrsson, a neuroscientist formerly of University College London, and now at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.





  1. I hope people read these articles.Terms like"making people think","manipulated","illusion".Suggest lucid dreaming not astral projection.

  2. I had an OBE in 1993.

    Had sudden death!  Very rare  but, I have no other

    explanation for what occurred.

    I was awake and next thing I knew ...

    My body lye  below me ... as my spirit risen above

    about 4 ft mid-air. No heartbeat, No breathing!

    But, YES very conscious @ whats happening?

    Your life passes b-4 you. As did with me ...

    Quickly after ...

    I saw a tunnel / light and Jesus!

    That light being that of GOD! and heaven's light!

    Jesus stood in front of this bright light ...

    What does JESUS look like?

    Much like we imagine and see him in our hearts!

    That is how u see him!

    He spoke to me. Said it wasn't my time.

    Then  put me back SLOWLY!

    I felt this BIG JOLT as my spirit re-entered

    my body.

    Every since this happen.

    Like most others I witness angels on earth.

    ( Quite a few miracles .. with prayer! )

    And, for non believiers ,,,

    that want to fab some reason as to why

    this could not be real ...

    It was ...

    No illusion, No lucid dreaming either!

    NO, I have never taken drugs!

    I am very sane!  SAVED since the age of 21.

    A  christian,  Very spiritual ...

    When death arrives and u see people

    in agony and cryin out for help ...

    h**l is so close u can almost touch it!

    that inbetween place. Heaven & h**l!

    u see the good ANGELS at your side ...

    feel the flutter of their wings ..

    U will know WHATS REAL!

    And U best believe

    its very scary all that is happening,

    Until Jesus comes to meet you!

    Seeing Jesus calms you ...

    I spoke with a priest about what happen.

    Was like a premonition ... that of God!


    Again I Can say there is another demention

    inbetween heaven and h**l.

    Good and bad there! Until Jesus comes for you.

    Angels surround you -

    one will craddle u beneath her wing.

    Is my experience..

    God Bless 0:)

  3. a light and sound machine can cause an out of body experience the right way. make my favorite ones, just read the user guide that you can download, I would look at the InnerPulse, but I forget what setting caused the OBEs

    this area of exploration can be very messy for researchers, so they do not like it much.

  4. Hello,, It is possible for anyone who practices Transendental Meditation to have out-of-body experiences. I have done it several times , just read up and and follow the path. Thanks to the Beatles and to their Yogi. Peace and Love.

  5. Good post.  But you can't sink the unsinkable rubber duckies.  Many love the idea of a magical world and will believe regardless of evidence.  Articles like these are great for those who aren't sure though.

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