
Scratched game???????

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ok i have a cd thats scratched and it won't work. is there anyway to get it working again?




  1. they sell this device thats called dr scratch fixer or remover i dont remember but i heard its guaranteed to work they sell it at fye and they have them at best buy and game stop or you could get it online somewhere,,, if you try it let me know if it works cuz my cod4 dont work no more cuz my xbox eats games

  2. Sometimes washing it with a wet/dry cloth will work but if it doesn't work i recommend  going to a game retailer or a place like that and some will rebuffer it for you but some will sell you a device where you do it yourself.

  3. You can buy CD cleaners from most supermarkets that work fine, but I also find that car polish (the cream, not the cutting compound) works - you just have to use a rag and wipe from the inside out, not in a circular motion and then rinse with water.  Make sure it's thoroughly dried before you use it.

  4. well i know this sounds a little out there but if you rub peanut butter on it and then wipe it off with a coffee filter, and it should work...I tried it once and it help, but i think it is only for minor scratches, not ones that are made by keys or something...

  5. If it's a surface scratch a simple application of turtle wax or another car polish in a circular motion and then buffing it off with a non-abrasive towel will fix it.  

    If the scratch is extremely deep or on the backing and into the data portion of the disc there is nothing you can do.

    Edit: Oh yah, if the scratch is fairly small you can use plain white toothpaste also (none of the weird flavored colored kinds though.)

  6. ive heard of using toothpaste, but ive never tried that lol.

    the ONE solution ive always used when my discs are unreadable (cd or videogames or dvds etc) is windex.

    yep just spray some on and wipe it with a clean cloth or paper towel and that will usually be enough lol plus if ur unsure about if it will work, think about how theres no risk of damage using it.

    works for dusty, dirty, lightly scratched cds try it and itl work

  7. this may sound weird but by a really crappy brand of tooth paste the wipe it on there then wash it off it works cousin and me always do it and it works but if its a crack then you need an exchanged game
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