
Sea Monsters?

by Guest59462  |  earlier

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Does anybody here believe in sea monsters or serpents or whatever and have any of you seen them? if you have pics of them then feel free to send them to my email address. thanks. oh and i won't call you crazy there have been hundreds if not thousands of sightings and they are enough for me.




  1. No one has everf seen a "real" sea monster.  

    There are some pretty big things in the ocan, and some really ugly things, too, but there is no acutl oproof of "sea monsters".

    The closest we've got is finding Giant Squids.  Some of these ARE big enough to battle a whale, but when all is said and done, they are just really big squids. Nothing "monsterous" except their size.

    Most large land-locked lakes has stories about "sea monsters", like "Nessie"  Most stories involve theories about Plesiosaurs, but they miss one vital pioint -- Plesiosaurs, so far as we know, are air breathers. They must surface everey so often to breath,  So if they really existed there should be a LOT more sightings of them.  People look for HOURS -- and see nothing.

  2. I don't believe in them for a number of reasons:

    A number of those people are no doubt attention seekers.

    Too many official searches have come up with nothing.

    A sea monster would have to be a hugely mutated animal, much too mutated to be likely.

    Or it could be a separate species, but then there would most likely be quite a few, meaning one would have been officially seen by now.

  3. sorry but none of that is true imeen if you wanna call a water dinosaur a sea monster than go ahead the only reason they are still around is becus they live in water so when noah and his ark and the flood came he did not need to save water animals

  4. I do believe in seamonsters (or lake monsters)

    People will always claim that such and such animal that they have never seen couldn't exist. Think about it, if there were no elephants to look at scientists would say its impossible for a land animal to be so large, although we now know elephantes can be so big because their weight is supported by a type of cushion in their feet.

    Furthermore searches for the lake monsters have come up with puzzling results. Indeed in sonar scannings across the loch there has been not one, but three seperate discoveries of a large swimming mass, wonder what that could have been? Not to mention in the loch alone there was a recent discovery of huge maze like caverns under the water.

    Besides that, other animals have been discovered once to thought be extinct, living in the ocean.

    So yes, its entirely withinn the realm of possiblity of sea monsters.
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