
Sean Bell Case Agree or Disagree?

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I feel that this shows how cops can do what ever the h**l they want and get away with it just because they are cops. I now have great disrespect for the political system in this country.




  1. The officers had a right to act but they had no right to use the amount of force they used and in the manner that they used it.

  2. Don't any of you remember the Los Angeles Riots and the Rodney King trial?  If you are a cop it is a license to break the law.  How many times do you see cops driving and text messaging, talking on a cell phone speeding without lights or siren.

  3. that was 1 of them biggest tragedies ever, how the cops got away with it....those bytches dont deserve to live...I wish they got the death penalty without the row just kill tha pieces of S**t

  4. Nothing, but it's ridiculous that's all I have to say. This is not the first time a guy has gotten shot full of holes by the NYPD and I doubt it will be the last. It's sad, this and Wesley Snipes. Both ridiculous.

  5. Hard to say, i didnt follow the case that closely. I will say that I've NEVER been pulled over when i wasn't doing something wrong, i was always speeding or something. So its hard for me to say cops are corrupt.

    Moreover, what if the cops had only fired 5 times each, would that have been ok? Are people only angry because of this?

    To me it sounds like anyway you slice it Bell may have been up to no good.

    I actually had a coworker who died in San Diego under similar circumstances.  (shot because police belived he was armed, but he wasnt)

    All i say is if the police say "put your hands up" you do it.

  6. according to an unnamed undercover officer, Guzman had an argument inside the club with a woman and threatened to get a gun. The woman was reportedly overheard saying to the men arguing with Bell's friends, "I'm not doing you all. I'll do one or two, but not all." In the final seconds of this incident outside the club, one of Bell's friends was heard to say "yo, get my gun" as they left the scene. Fearing a shooting was in the making, the Undercover Detective followed them to their car while alerting his Backup team that they were possibly retrieving a gun from the car, prompting the team to confront Bell and his companions before they could leave the scene. [12] The undercover officer followed the group and Bell was ordered by the officer to raise his hands after getting in his car. Instead, Bell accelerated the car, hitting the undercover officer, and seconds later, an unmarked police minivan.[1] A toxicology report reportedly showed that he was legally drunk at the time of the shooting. An attorney for the Bell family said in response to the report, "No matter what his blood-alcohol level was, he's a victim."[13]

  7. This is not a reflection on the political system - it's a reflection on the legal system.  Both are pretty corrupt.

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