
Season question?????

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well im wondering january is cold june is hot well wat is feburary march april may september octobeer november witch on is hot and which one has cold weather??




  1. Seasons on Earth are because of the tilt of Earth's axis causes different parts of Earth to receive more or less sunlight at different times of the year. If you live more north during July the sun shines much longer each day and creates more warmth, the Southern Hemisphere during July has shorter days and it is generally colder. It gets even more complicated because during the summer of the Northern hemisphere the Earth is a million miles farther from the Sun than it is during winter in the Northern hemisphere.

  2. It depends on the sun, moon and position of such onto the equator scale in the early months of the year, but this only applies to peninsula land south of Australia and New Zealand.  What is being looked at now is an equation never written into this principal; i.e. how much and in what span of time the rain forests are being eliminated.  It's funny, people don't think that the elimination of certain species have a mass effect on our varied continental temperatures in the world (and therefore the food chain), but if the rain forests keep being depleted the samuranian will be all but gone from south America as we know it.  This in turn affects global warming in the long run because of who feed off these animals.  It's complex, but I hope I've been of some help. Bottom line, never go out in the winter without a coat, unless you live

    in Florida or California.    Good luck.

  3. Interesting point made by Mary & Mike about loss of tropical rainforest. The growth of atmospheric Co2 almost matches on the scale of rain forest destruction one to one. So maybe it just might be the real answer to the Co2 question, it is not increasing from first world fossil fuel usage but from cutting down trees that used to consume the Co2 and not replacing the removed trees like has been done in the US and Europe with advanced forest management. So the first world countries are carbon neutral because of their tree replacement program and the tropical third world are creating the perceived Co2 problem by not doing good Forrest management by replanting that which they harvest.

  4. (Tomcat), answer the question factually. Solar min and max are a paradox. Be glad it happens that way.
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