
Second pregnancy, i need help!!?

by  |  earlier

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well i just had a baby october 18 2007, im expecting my second one, im 29 weeks, the doctor had told me not to have s*x till after pregnancy because i had some very light bleeding after intercourse 2 times already. these past few days i've been feeling nauseous again and i've had alot of cramping, i've had to go to the bathroom alot to do #2, last night i was constantly nauseous off and on, off and on, and i had cramps and the feeling like if i was on my period, it wouldn't go away no matter if i sat down or stood up or walked, and i whent to sleep like that, this morning i still have the feeling like if i was on my period and the cramps.. and i feel a little nauseous off and on again. but the cramps and feeling like i was on my period just wont stop nor the feeling like i gotta do #2 . help?




  1. Go to the doctor right now!

  2. go to the hospital!!!!!!

  3. You need to see your doctor asap. You may be having preterm labor. Your baby can survive, but it is very important that you go in case it is and they can stop the labor before it progresses more.

  4. you should give your doctor a call and let him know whats been going on, just to make sure that everything is ok. they may want to give you an ultrasound to check.  good luck to you and i hope you feel better soon

  5. It might be best to call your medical clinic or hospital and aske to speak with an RN or a doctor if available. Explain how you are feeling and they may ask you to come in. I had cramping and bleeding with my third, and was put on bedrest so I wouldn't go into labor. Please check it out ASAP; the sooner you know, the better. Good luck to you!

  6. I'd give the doctor a call. Just to be sure that everything is okay. Hope this helps.

  7. Definitely call the doctor.  Don't wait.

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