
Secret affair.........?

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I am good friends with married man but our friendship went to the next level. I didn’t’ plan this to happen but we just couldn’t fight our attraction towards each other. We haven’t slept with each other but last night we were touching each other sexually. He is planning to visit my apartment soon.

He calls me using a bell pay phone which I understand since he doesn’t want to risk getting caught No one knows about us. I didn’t tell my friends or my siblings. We don’t go public together which is fine with me. Being by his side is what matters.

So do you think we will be able to keep up with it without getting caught?




  1. You didn't plan for this to happen?! You've been coming on here for weeks, asking if that is where it was heading. You are a f*cking b|tch! How would you feel in his wife's place? Women like you deserve to have their "lips" sewn shut, and men like that deserve to be castrated. Do you honestly think he's going to leave her, and if he does that he's going to be faithful to you? he pledged his life, love, commitment, and faithfulness to his WIFE, so what makes you think his w***e will get more?

    You will be caught, and I laugh to think of the explosion to follow.

    EDIT: Now your Q&A is on private. Before you were asking three times a day in different sections if it was "heading for an affair," and what you should do, so don't play innocent.

    Here's three of the million of your Q's I answered, for the new answerers:;...;...;...

    It's not "secret" when you've been flaunting your potential affair online for weeks.

    I am usually a passive person, but there's nothing like a cheating man and the pernicious w***e who screws him to get my blood boiling. Too many women in my life that I care about have gotten burned by scum like you and your manwhore.


    I don't even need a crystal ball to know Scott will get Best Answer, because he's the only one who doesn't see a problem with your actions. That's how you handled on your other questions *rolls eyes.* A real piece of work, aren't you? Heh, Scott's probably your alias.

  2. no. and I don't think he's going to give a rat's butt about you after his wife finds out either.  Why would you put up with someone else's husband calling you from a payphone? Giver yourself more credit than that and find your own man!

  3. Wow, I am kind of sick of seeing your questions.

    You keep purposely flaunting that you are about to get involved with a married the wedding section where we are all getting married.

    I am starting to think that you have a personality disorder.

  4. Speaking as a wife - get your own man! That is someone's husband! Are there not enough men in the world out there for you? You have to go ahead and take hers? Are you really that desperate for a man?

    And no matter how many times he tells you he is unhappy with her and that he is going to leave her it will never happen. You think you have some emotional connection - yeah right, he knows exactly what to say to you.

    I wouldn't tell my friends or my siblings either - I would be to ashamed of myself! You should be ashamed of yourself!! Besides how would you describe your relationship with him "Oh yeah, he is just great. He calls me from a pay phone because he has a wife and he is really sweet." DUH!

    Get your own man!

    EDIT: Well said Kaitlin! I've answered a few of her questions as well. I think she is just looking for justification for her shameful behavior.

  5. Why are you asking this under weddings?  

    I told you before (as you posted this before), that you are going to get burned!!!  Do you want to be the "other woman?"  Do you want to break up a marriage?  I have absolutely no respect for girls that fool around with married men.  If you didn't "plan" for it to happen.....then why IS it happening?  

    Do you think he is going to leave his wife for you?  Think again.

    EDIT:  I, like the others, are sick of your questions!  Go be a homewrecker if that is what you want and stop posting under weddings.  Post under the divorce section.  Or, better than under the mental health section because you are going to need it once he drops you like a hot potato for someone else.

  6. how could you do that! do you ever stop to think about his poor wife?!?! you will get caught! he is only using you for what he wants and when you stop giving it to him he is gunna be gone!

  7. How would you feel if your husband was secretly having an affair? Probably not too good! I suggest finding your own man instead of being where you shouldn't be.

  8. You are a creep.  He is married.

  9. You are playing with will get burned...if he doesn't do it, his wife will......

    You didn't plan this? Yeh, riiiiiiiight. He sure did.

    Wow, talk about no self-respect.......and I guarentee you aren't the first booty call he's had (about to) sure as heck won't be the last......enjoy the STD you're gonna end up with.........or baby-momma drama and a kid with no father except in check form.....

    .....I guess being by his side in the shadows, in secret is all you are worth, Toots.

  10. Be cool about it!  You won't get caught if you're always a step ahead of everyone.  As long as you don't mind his marriage, then go for it.  Be happy.  Life is too short.

  11. if he doesn't get caught... YOU WILL. You said being by his side... um. are you really not worth a man who is all yours... WOW you are putting yourself below dirt. Get a man who you don't have to hide around with, a man who you can be SEEN in public with. I know my comments may be mean but believe it or not i went on a date with a married man before and i dont want you to make the same mistakes i have... SO PLEASE STOP THIS NOW, IT WILL HURT YOU IN THE FUTURE WHETHER YOU KNOW IT OR NOT B/C IT CAME BACK ON ME SO HARD I STILL CANT BELIEVE IT.

  12. how many times do u have to ask this ill say it again s**y B IS A HOMEWRECKER

  13. Hi,

    Are you looking for a positive answer here?

    Being by his side is all that matters?

    Will you be by his side at the holidays when he visits his family?

    Or will his wife be with him then?

    You are going to end up alone.......... if he wanted to leave his wife, wouldn't he already? (no matter how badly he portrays her)

    I actually feel sorry for you..........

    You will be one of those ladies that when on holidays and your own family get togethers, your relatives ask where is your boyfriend, and you answer, at home with his wife....

    Good Luck!

  14. i would break it off, ethically it's not right. how would you feel if you were his wife and he was doing that to you.

  15. This is the wedding category, yet this question has nothing to do about being married.

  16. What's done in the dark will ALWAYS come to the light. That's #1. #2 What goes around comes around.

    You're doing this to his wife...what did she do to you? how would you feel to be in her shoes? Get your own man and leave hers alone! He may even have kids out there and you're taking away their father. Wow. How do you sleep at night?

  17. Wow! What a piece of s*** you and your "best friend" are. Have fun being his toy, until he finds someone else.

  18. She already knows....I just told her

  19. NO.  And for your information you may have not had intercourse yet, but you've had s*x.  AND most importantly that man has been unfaithful to his wife.

    Believe me, if he's unfaithful to the woman that he promised to love and stay true to for the rest of his life, he's also going to cheat on you.  Big prize you'll get with this guy.

  20. Sorry this is weddings, this is supposed to be a happy category. Look for the homewrecker catergory.

  21. You're despicable. What did his wife ever do to you? You've basically already slept with him, so why are you even posting a question on here? I agree with the others that you are just trying to justify your actions. Do whatever you want, but just keep in mind, you have to look at yourself in the mirror everyday for the rest of your life. You get to live with what you did to that family.

    Lady, they dont make water hot enough to scrub off that guilt and filth.

  22. Two things can happen from this.

    1) It lasts for awhile until he gets caught or he feels guilty which is when he will go back to his wife and leave you alone and heart broken.

    2) He will leave his wife for you and you will live with a life of guilt for breaking up a family and in the end he will probally end up cheating on your with someone else anyway.

    Either way this man is dishonest and just plain sneaky. He doesn't care about you as much as you care about him, half of his heart is already lent to someone else no matter what he says. I say get out now, it will only get harder.

  23. No, everyone gets caught at some point - you both sound like selfish jerks - you make a good couple; that is until one of you cheats on the other.

  24. couple of things:

    *Karma is a b*tch

    *What goes around come around

    *A relationship that you have to keep a secret is not worth having

    *You should respect yourself more and not settle for being the "other" woman

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