
Security on a wireless router/modem ...?

by  |  earlier

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I use a wireless router/modem that serves three Pc's that are all hard wired. When I first got the router/modem, I set up the security by following the brief and logging onto the stated website etc. But since then I have reformatted the main PC. Have I lost that wireless security and how can I check if people ate 'piggybacking' onto the connection around me? I would really appreciate a basic term explanation of how this all fits together ... thanks




  1. To stop a basic piggy-backer try...

    Go into your routers configuration page and tell it not to broadcast the SSID.  

    Then change the SSID [most routers allow this]

    Then use one of the security protocols and provide a long password with characters and numerals.

    Then go to each of the machines and tell them to link to that SSID and provide the password.  Even though they can't see the SSID they will still link if you type it correctly

    If the piggy-backer is more knowledgeable they will still have to try quite hard to get back on your bandwidth, unless they are very experienced.

  2. Login into the routers ip > set-up tab > number of users, so if you set it to 1 no other computer will be allowed to connect.

  3. The settings on the router are nothing to do with your machine. If this is where you set encryption it is still there. A router is a stand alone piece of equipment and needs no drivers or software installed on any machine.

  4. if all your pcs are hard wired i would suggest going into your router and turning the wireless off, then no one can use it

  5. Hi, below is an advanced way to solve your problem.

    1. Click STARt > Run > Type "cmd", click "Ok".

    2. Once the Black "Dos" prompt has opened type the following:


    Then press "Enter"/"Return" key.

    Leave the Prompt open and right click the "My Computer" shortcut, and select "Properties".

    Navigate to the "Computer Name" tab, and take note of your computer name. (It will be next to the text - "Full Computer Name")

    Go back to the prompt, and notice that EVERY line, should contain your Computer Name followed by a 4 letter number, and another process.

    The important data here is the "Computer Name", is there is a line/value, without your computer name then you know someone else is on your network/using your connection.

    Hope this helps


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