
Self help for marine wife

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my husband is deployed its just me and my 5 month old daughter now i feel lost and empty i am trying to stay busy and keep my mind straight i know i have to do this i just don't know how i'm going to get threw it what do i do? i feel like half of me is gone!





    google: self esteem training

    they will teach you how to become your own best friend and HERO.... plus a lot more self empowering stuff

  2. does your husbands unit have a family readiness group FRG.  When I was deployed for a year my wife got involved with them and it helped her through because all the spouses of us deployed Soldiers participated.  Do you work?  Even part time or go to school while your child goes to day care part time.  I do not know about the marines, but spouses of deployed Soldiers get a certain amount of hours of free day care so the spouse can go out and unwind (no not clubs for those of you who are thinking that)  maybe dinner with some frineds or a movie.

    Good luck to you though you are 5 months into it, I leave for my second time in January and my Wife really is not looking forward to it again, but she will survive.  You know what they say though

    "Armed forces spouse-  the hardest job in the Military

  3. Its normal to feel like that sweetie because half of you is gone. Focus on your little girl,Make scrapbooks, go visit family,Most importantly write him. It shouldnt be too long before hes back in your arms.Semper Fi...

  4. You’re suffering separation pangs! You’ve been overwhelmed by events – marriage, motherhood, husband’s deployment, loneliness - only because it's the first time. The stress is making you feel unable to cope - but, never fear, you will find your own strength and resilience.

    You need absolutely to calm down for you’re baby’s sake. She’s still dependent on you, and if you’re in distress while you handle her, she will be distressed – that is not at all good for her growth and development. If you’re happy and cheerful, she will pick it up too, and you can share a wonderful bonding between you that will last a lifetime!

    Bringing up baby is a fulltime job – remember she is also a part of your husband, so you’re not entirely empty.  Focus on doing the best you can for her at the moment, and you will be rewarded by the joys of motherhood she’ll bring to you. You'll slowly get used to the situation also, just give it a bit of time. Meanwhile, to lift your spirits, keep up the communication with husband, extended family, and friends you find on Internet!

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