
Self-taught guitarists?

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Hi, I just bought my very first guitar and I'm having some trouble. When I push down on the fret and strum, it doesn't make the right sound. It's tuned and everything, so that's not the problem. So, are you supposed to hold the fret in the middle or on the metal thing? Either way isn't really working for me right now. It just makes a tiny "pluck" sound. It's a lyon (washburn) acoustic guitar if that helps.

Oh and lessons aren't really an option for me right now, they don't come cheap in my area.




  1. you have to hold it it down at closest to the metal fret wire as possable not  on it cuz if you press on the metal thing you wont get ringing sound you will get a dead mulffled buzz also do not lay finger flatdown you play chord and stuff by placing you finger in the correct finger placment closest to the fret wire as possable not on it make sure you play on the tips of you fingers not laying them flat some chords you play maynot ringout at first it take practice have a teacher teach you like i do he charges me 30 bucks a lesson comes over the house to and some chords have trouble rining out wich means you are muting a string by ither letting you figner touch a string that not supposed to be fretted soem chord have open string in them some dont like say if you play a chord like the c chord you root note c is on first fret 2nd string firstfinger goes on that then 2nd finger goes on 4th string 2nd fret then 3rd finger goes on 5th string go to youtube and watch videos on guitar lessons search guitar lessons

  2. acoustic guitars can require a lot of pressure from your fingers to produce the note. your fingers will get stronger with time and it won't be hard to do eventually. also, you should make sure that your strumming hand isn't touching or resting on the strings at all stopping the vibration of the strings. play with your fingers anywhere in between the frets.

  3. You should buy a beginners book. It really helped me when I first started teaching myself how to play. To answer your question, you're getting the sound you are because you're not pushing down on the string hard enough (I know it really hurts at first, but you'll build up finger strength in a couple weeks). Ideally, you should push down on the string as close to the metal fret as possible, but if you push hard enough, anywhere on the fret will work. Keep at it, everybody encounters the same problems you're having now when they first start.

  4. Hold it down in between the two metal bump things, with a suitable amount of pressure and you should get the sound you're after.

  5. dont touch the metal things the sound wont be to nice

    and try to push down a bit harder your fingers might not strong enough

    but its okay

    just remember when you start its the hardest dont give up because once you get over the the first bump you all good

    good luck

  6. it will not sound clean at first because you have not developed the calluses and proper digitalization in your fingers... also try to press the metal with the inner part of your finger!

    keep trying you'll eventually get it!

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