
s***n ingestion question?

by  |  earlier

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I have a friend that I've had forever and he and I enjoy "benefits" if you know what I mean. Anyways, he's had a summer flu thing going on and still wants me to perform oral on him. I don't mind doing it but can I get sick too if I ingest his s***n or is that only from sharing saliva?




  1. The flu is a virus and can be spread just like AIDS. Unless he's got an infection down there (and he wouldn't if he wants a BJ) then it cannot spread through s***n or p*ss. You just have to make sure he's got no cuts down their and you got none in your mouth either (i.e. no blood to blood contact and he doesn't cough on you or share saliva).

    However unlike AIDs you wont die in 10 years you just get the flu so don't worry to much.

  2. If he is sick, it probably isn't good to come into contact with ANY of his bodily fluids until he is well again.

  3. If he has flu, the infection will pass through his urine, so i think you are at risk..

  4. A virus is a virus ,so I would stay away from bodily fluids.


  5. Best wait until he's well.  Oh, how I wish we'd had FWB when I was your age.

  6. you might catch a babby

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