
Semicircular Canal?

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hi.... we all have learned that semicircular canal is designed to detect the position of the head and balance it....Well,the question is...

How does it balance our head and How does it detect the positon of the head...????




  1. The semicircular canals are the body's balance organs, detecting acceleration in the three perpendicular planes. These accelerometers make use of hair cells similar to those on the organ of Corti, but these hair cells detect movements of the fluid in the canals caused by angular acceleration about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the canal. Tiny floating particles aid the process of stimulating the hair cells as they move with the fluid.

  2. well , in general  balancing organ falls in two categories ,Statocysts , with a patch of sensory cells called macula.this cells are sensitive for gravity....but your question deals with the other one ....

    the other type of organ is canal..this are fluid filled tube with  a patch of sensory cells in the wall.these cells have also hairs  which project into the lumen and are embedded in a structure called cupula.a jelly like matrix composed of glycoprotein stretches across the lumen of canal.the patch of cells forms a raised protuberance which is called a Crista.when the head rotates, the the fluid in the affected canal is displaced, which causes a shearing force on the hairs projecting into the cupula, and this is converted into burst of long as the body movement is changing the cupula will be displaced, but when body moves with constant velocity the cupula will return to original position.these semicircular canals are constant features of vertebrates but also found in invertebrates like octopus ,lobster etc
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