My daughter has Sid. She is a "crasher" and an avoider, the flip flop like anything, and she is also extremely hyperactive. Some of the occupational therapy things help but most don't because she can't focus on it and because she flips back and forth some of the interventions are contradictory. She is affecting the whole family negitivly. We are near to seeking medication for her, she has been doing OT for nearly 3 years, and it is still not much better, and Yes we have changed therapists. I've spoken to doctors, educators, and any one else i could think of. Nothing is giving her a functional day. We have done brushing, therapy ball, coping skills, deep pressure, figgits, chewy tubes, heavy work, motion sickness bands, guided play, timing, and probably a few other things.
I am seeking answers from people who know what Sid is, please note that she is not ADHD.
My question is... Does any one have any new suggestions, or have luck with a medication that does not make the Sid worse?