
Serious Pshycological/Security Blanket Help?

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i just turned 14, i still have a security blanket BUT FIRSTLY, i have a few thingfs to say, i dont suck on it, i dont bring it everywhere exept maybe on a family vacation but not to friends, i know im too old but it seems like its the only thing i can talk too about anything. my parents use to fight alot or when ever im depressed i use to talk to it. i just cant give it up, ive been with it so much and i treat it like a family member. im not super like suck on it or bring it to the store or something, but i dont know...its the only thing i can talk about everything, i know its a blanket but it makes me feel better if i can just pretend or help me cope with something. it feels like i can never give it up.

please help thanks =(




  1. I am 32 and I still have my security blanket AND my very first teddybear (henry).  I don't sleep with my blanket, and my teddybear has special spot in my closet.  They hold many wonderful memories.  Now when my kids are sick or are feeling extra down, they get to borrow my blanket and bear!!

  2. You will eventually get to the point where you are ready to give it up, but for now I really don't think there is anything wrong with it.  It makes you feel safe and understood.  Of course, I wouldn't talk to it and stuff in front of your friends b/c teenagers can be so hateful.  Just do what makes you feel good about yourself and if somebody (preferably a trustworthy adult) comes along that you feel like you can share your feelings with maybe you could try talking to that person when you want the blanket.  You are normal.

  3. This is actually quite normal and totally healthy, within reason of course. This blanket likely has some meaning or significane to when your life was simpler and easier and more clear for you. That is why this particular item gives you comfort. The fact that you only talk to it and not suck on it or tote it all around or perform any other types of deviations to it/ with it is also a good sign. Everyone has a different way of detoxing their emotions and psyche; this is yours. Have you ever noticed some people always murmur to themselves, same thing. Everyone has 1 or 2 things that they are attached to in one way or another, for some a person others a pet; you a blanket. This would only be a problem if you found that it impeads your daily routine. Like if when you get older you cant go out on a date without it, you cant have sleep overs because of it, cant go to school ect. However you mentioned that is not the case. Your fine and its actually totally mornal. I would however suggest trying to find an actual person to talk to. Even if you talk to the blanket too, find someone, a teacher; neighbor; family member; guidance counsiler ect. It's just good to have someone who actually interacts with you.  

  4. You are being so ridiculous. I wont sugar coat if for you. Think how dumb you look. What if a girl sees you or people talk about it at school. You are asking for taunting. Stop acting like a d**n baby and grow up. You expect to drive in a couple of years but your toting around a d**n baby blanket. Stop feeling sorry for yourself if you act pitiful you are!

    You people are disgusting. This is exactly why I changed my major from psych. You just want to tell everybody what they want to hear. You are making me freaking sick. A 14 yr old is a man in most cultures and you are all telling him to talk to and suck on a d**n blanket....! wtf

  5. wow o.O same dude! xD mine is just a long rag now, but i use mine as a whip :)

    welp heres somthin u can try :)

    each night keep putting it away closer to a closet then when it gets there and clothes the door just try to get your mind off of it,

    you talk to it? o.o

    oh lol anyways or you can put somthing sour on it or get it wet to make you not reach for it.

    but you'll know the day u wana give it up.

  6. Get a nice looking notebook with a heavy cover and lines.  Take your blanket to a special private place and cut a small piece out of it, about 3"x3" and put that into a plastic bag you can tape to the inside cover of your notebook.  Burn or bury the rest of your blanket, thanking it for helping you this far through your life, and promise to keep that piece of it forever.  Then when you want to 'talk to the blanket' about your problems you can talk to that piece or write in the notebook to make a journal of your thoughts.  When you fill one notebook, take the tape off and put it into the next notebook, but save that notebook.  Someday you will have many filled notebooks, and you'll still have that piece of your security blanket ,,, and maybe you'll write a book about how much that tiny bit of blanket represents to you ... and how keeping those notebooks helped you to grow up, too.  Good luck!

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