
Serious answers only please.?

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Everytime I look at my watch it is 9:11 am or pm. It happened over 30 times within the past rwo months. What does it mean?




  1. Greetings!

    On the bright side, I believe that only those who are focused and sport a degree of intellect can do this. Your mind is running in free mode, a cruise control of sorts and is processing bits and pieces of information while trying to attach an importance to the knowledge.  So if this is working for you .............not to worry

    Want to harness it?

    I have and as such have not worn nor had to use an alarm clock in 50 years.

    A simple exercise to try for a week and then assess your results.

    With a clock next to your bed, tell yourself before falling asleep, and depending on wha time you retire, that you will wake up at1:23, 2:34, 3:45,4:56 and you may find yourself amazed that although at a given moment you rely on a timepiece, the reaility is you mind already knows. Give it the chance to show you.

    Good Luck

  2. You have a very good internal clock.  This happens to me quite a bit also my times are 8:08 am/pm and 12:25am/pm.  It's nothing to worry about unless you find yourself obsessing about it.

  3. Is this a time when something normally has to get done or does it make you feel nervous? People generally tend to really "tick" at certain times that may be a routine time or a time of nervousness.

  4. Either you are  insane or it means absolutely nothing more than your internal clock has fixated on that time , for some reson.

  5. That's awesome.  I have the same thing with 4:44 and 9:11.  I don't have the slightest idea what it means either.  Help!

  6. Watch could be stopped.

  7. you get to go to heaven soon!

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