
Serious question for Christians?

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Why is it okay for Dubya to cause the deaths of tens of thousands of living, breathing, real human beings in the name of America's freedom (even though it was all a lie) but not okay for a woman to end a pregnancy - a *potential* life - under the protections of that same, vaunted American freedom?




  1. I'm sorry i don't know who or what Dubya is i can not answer that part of the question

    however a pregnancy is not a "potential" life it is a life God's word is very clear that life begins at conception so that is why abortion is a sin it is to commit "for nonce" lie in wait murder this breaks one of God's commandments

  2. That depends upon your beliefs, I cannot answer this question for you, you must answer it for yourself. Only God can answer this question for you, other than that it is what you yourself beleive is right or wrong.

  3. not all Christians support "Dubya".  I haven't.

  4. Those soldiers pledged and oath and signed the "dotted line" to do whatever it took to keep America free.  Our military is 100% voluntary.  Those in the military agree to make the ultimate sacrifice for your freedom and America's well-being.  W/ abortion the baby has no say.  The mother doesn't ask the baby if it is welling to die for her pleasure.  The baby does not volunteer it's life to be taken.  It is murder.

    AND to our "friend" quoting Numbers 5: 27-28...that is not what that vese is bout.  It isn't talking about her aborting a baby.  It says she will not me able to concieve due to her unholiness.  If you can't concieve you can't abort.

  5. WOW... Get your facts right douche...

    The Christians are retarded in that their god actually gives permission for abortion in some situations...

    "And when he hath made her drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people. And if the woman be not defiled, but be clean; then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed." (Numbers 5:27-28)

    This nonsensical ritual, prescribed by God, to a woman suspected of infidelity, must undergo the drinking of a vile concoction made of bitter water and dust from the floor of a tabernacle. A priest calls a curse upon the woman's head to insure that if she has acted in adultery the drinking of the liquid will cause her to have a miscarriage. If she comes out clean, then she shall conceive.

    Regardless of how ridiculous this procedure seems, any person who believes every word of the Bible must come to terms with the realization that the quoted God here sometimes authorizes abortion. (also see Num. 5:1-25)

    But you seem to have forgotten the GENOCIDE and TORTURE that Saddam and his sadistic spawn committed throughout the years...

    How about the BILLIONS of dollars of under the table deals with the French?

    How about the BILLIONS of dollars in aid that was stolen from the people and instead used to buy gold incrusted pools and Britney Spears CD's in Saddam's palaces?


    Why am I the ONLY ONE that remembers the Time Magazine articles about the prison that the one son ran where he, personally, raped women prisoners and hooked electrodes to the nipples of the men before chopping off hands and feet then just tossing their bloated corpses into the mass graves already filled with thousands of other rotting bodies?

    Was THAT not a good enough reason to go in there? Genocide?

    By willfully ignoring the genocide you make yourself the worst form of hypocrite out there...

  6. Killing Arabs doesn't offend their sensibilities as much as abortion does.

  7. Not a lie , you FREAK!!!!!!!

  8. If their tiny minds, could wrap around this question, in an entirety......

    Well said.

  9. we all need to be like Christ, presidents and every woman, dont judge Christians by other people, we need to make Christ the measuring line

    people always show our need for a Savior, and our sin


  11. Where in the Bible does it say either of these things? Because, otherwise, it's just the opinion of SOME PEOPLE who may or may not be Christians. (or if the pope makes a statement about the topic ONLY in the case of Catholics).  

  12. At least that freedom lets you ask stupid questions

  13. All sin is forgivable but to continue to do the same without repentance for you actions yet another sin.

    George needs to stop.

  14. It is tiresome dealing with these generalizations that all Christians are fans of "Dubya" or in favor of the war. Sorry, I don't like either one very much- based on biblical principles, no less! And a pregnancy is not a potential life- it is a life.  

  15. Liz,

    I believe that the lie was not so much a lie after all.  They found WMDs and shipped them to Canada if memory serves me not too long ago.  I believe that the murder of an unborn is very much a sin as much as I do the murder of those who were in the twin towers or any other person murdered in the name of any other "cause".  I am a Christian and I am sorry if my personal opinion is in opposition to yours.  I have great respect for your opinion and beliefs as I do everyone else's beliefs and opinions.  Have a great weekend and a wonderful week.





  16. Let's see, you are comparing deaths due to a war on terrorism to the death of unborn "real human" children. Your logic is based on ignorance and completely flawed. There is no comparison.    

  17. No, it's not alright. I'm not for that stupid occupation of Iraq, but, I will back our troops, because I don't think that they really want to be there either.  I think that they'd rather be here with their families rather than risking their lives for people who would much rather see them dead.

  18. "potential"?  i was under the impression that a fetus is very much alive, just unable to survive outside of the womb.

    i understand the point of your question, and i would agree with you, but come now, you can ask it a wee bit better.

    and generalizing does nothing.  you should know that.

  19. killing is never ok, and a baby inside the womb is just as much alive as anyone else on this world, except they can't defend their selves

  20. According to the Creator it is wrong to kill anyone, unborn or born. (John 13:34,35)

  21. as you said " it was all a lie"

    since when is it an exercise in freedom to end a life.

  22. well said dude

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