
Seriously in debt?

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I found out that my boyfriend has no being paying his parking fines which were very small, only 70 dollars each. Now I have also found out that he has not being paying his repayments on his car to the leasing company and that they want to repossess it. He owes 60,000 dollars in debt through loans and credit card bills. I mean if he can't even pay a 70 dollar fine he must have money problems. What do you think?

He continues to buy champagne in restaurants and buy designer clothes. I found out he hasn't paid his taxes in 7 years and owes the State (Switzerland) a fortune.

He does not know that I found out. But he has been hiding all the envelopes in the letter box. He was even asked to attend a court hearing because of the debt.

He made a joke about me going to cafeteria type restaurants and that he prefers luxurious places. He is an only child and was spoilt by his parents.

Should I confront him or should I just leave him?




  1. Leave him, he is a loser.

  2. If all that you mentioned is really accurate, he sounds to me like a compulsive spender...I don't think that you should mention it to him, because he's aware of his debt and what he needs to do...I'm quite sure that he will get angry with you...But I do think that you should leave him before you get deeper into an emotional/intimate relationship with him...Because he doesn't sound like a responsible guy and someone who you should be with...Besides, the government doesn't have tolerance for people who owe them money (pretty much what I'm saying is he will probably go to jail for not paying his taxes...or at least that's how it works in the U.S....

  3. its for you to decide if you'll leave him or not. but i guess its best if you confront him, since he's really having problems. You're his gf and you should be the one to open up to him about this matters. Like you said, he cannot be responsible in small matters, how can he be on bigger problems? He seems to be always running away from them. I guess its best that you teach and help him from this. It may save your relationship if he agrees with you, or even if not, atleast someone tells him that something is wrong with him.

  4. To answer this question in a personal point of view, yes dump him.  Why, because he just might wind up with a warrant for his arrest for those unpaid parking tickets.

    Either way, if you two wanted to have a life, forget about a house, new cars, his getting a job, or even getting things like phones,cable, etc.

    His credit is ruined and there is no turning it around now.  Don't let him sucker you into co-signing anything.

    Besides, he may have more "hidden" boxes lying around.

  5. He sounds like someone who has no control over what he does and is irresponsible.  

    Out of sight out of mind isn't good when you owe money to people.  They will get it one way or another.

    Depends what point of a relationship you have with him.

    If you decide to stay with him, never ever loan him money, never ever cosign, and you must help him change his life.

    If you just started dating him, leave him, really not worth the future head ache.  

    Chickens are coming home to roost.

  6. You could confront him, but it is really his business.  Maybe he is expecting his parents to bail him out?  LEAVE before he expects you to help him! He not only has money problems, but is not a responsible person. Find someone who is genuine even though it might mean sharing a lunch in the park, and giving you wildflowers he picked !

  7. Well, you could suggest to him that this is kind of an irresponsible bahaviour..or you could just let him find out the hard way, which he will sooner or's obvious he doesn't have money problems if he's still speding big time, but this behaviour will eventually catch up with him, and he's probably gonna learn his lesson, whether you step in or not...Just make sure he doesn't cause YOU any problems, if you are living together maybe, check that he is paying some of the bills and don't buy anything on both of your names....

  8. I think your bf has a serious problem, he cant pay a fine but hes able

    to go to fancy places? That's a problem, you see , hes an adult

    even if you confronted him, I doubt that he will change much , specially

    if he's been spoiled all his life, I woud rethink the bf situation,

    if you guys were to ever get married or live together, his debt could

    become your debt, be very careful, usually people who are in this

    position drag other people in with them. I kinda have a brother like

    him and weve always saved for what we want and is making fun of us

    and hes always saying things like oh, well we just like to live better,

    but still if they cant make their bills they call my mother mmmh. so

    you see they want to live that way, to them thats living better.

    Dont get caught up in his way, Good luck!!!
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