
Serously: on my question baby drama?

by  |  earlier

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I was not talking about her faking her child's illness I would never do that.I am a Mccain/Pallin fan and will be voting for them.I was asking do you believe the baby is really her daughters like the media is saying because I don't and I was just seeing what you guys thought.So do you believe that he is not hers




  1. Why don't you believe they are hers?

  2. It is a rumor, nothing more.  Besides, what would be so wrong with a woman stepping up and adopting her young daughters baby?  People do it all the time and it is admirable.

  3. So, she was pregnant for nine months, but this isn't her baby?  Are you serious?

  4. Are you talking about her son who has Down's syndrome? I have heard no reports that questioned th truth of this.

  5. The baby is Sarah's. Some real low lifers have just managed to start a malicious cold-hearted rumor and keep it going far too long. (including CNN)

  6. Sorry I misunderstood your question. I delete my other answer.

    I have not heard that yet today in the media but it would fit the template. They think everyone is as corrupt and degenerate as they are so if someone comes off as not that way they automatically assume they are lying

  7. the liberal stooges will write anything to save obama from  loosing

    they are  the party of liars  

  8. It would be pretty hard to fake a pregency when you are governor. With all of the doctors, nurses people she knows, I find it odd that all they can come up with is some photos of her daughter with a small belly. According to these picture she would of been 8 months along at the time. The bump would of been huge by then.  

  9. thats her son......but she shoulda known better getting pregnant after 40 greatly increases the chance for down syndrome.

    i feel bad for the kid but i dont feel bad for her she coulda just adopted.

  10. No I don´t believe it.  You mean her doctor lied to the public and really delivered her daughter´s baby and the entire Hospital and staff are lying for Sarah Palin?

  11. I truly doubt it, but what difference would that make if it were true?

  12. That's ridiculous.  She made public appearances while she was pregnant.


  14. The reason the baby has Down's Syndrome is that there is a higher risk factor for it if you become pregnant after the age of 40...Palin is 44...Her daughter is not 40...

  15. Where on God's Green Earth did you come up with that notion?

    Honestly, some of you conspiracy theorists need to have your heads examined.

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