
Serving Help??

by  |  earlier

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Volleyball Sometimes is bad for me... My pisiton is corect, and so is my steping, but I just can't put enough power to it.. I try almost every day but it is not getting no were.. Help?




  1. First thing is you have to believe that you can do it.  Don't listen to negative

    comments, focus and do it.  I always told my children that they could do

    anything they want.  You just have to want it bad enough.  Focus your

    energy.  We all have the ability we just have to find it.  Try to keep your arm

    straight when serving.  This gives it more power and also helps you aim.

    I like to use a little bit of side arm because then it gets less height.  The

    serves that skim the net are the hardest to return.  You can do it.  Practice

    and believing in yourself.  That's what you need.

  2. Try plyometric training, most professional athletes use this type of training to build speed and explosive power.

  3. Hit the ball hard and low to the net

  4. Daddy did not insist that you learn to spell and write; did he?
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