
Setting up the nursery

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I was wondering when people started setting up the nursery? I'm 26 weeks and we know were having a baby girl. I'm just worried with working full time, i'm not gonna have to much time and be really tired (my husband is alot of help) but we just started purchasing the bigger items! Is it too early?




  1. I know what you mean.  We both worked full time when I was pregnant, plus I had a job that required a lot of hours at home doing paperwork and computer time, so I was pretty far along by the time we got the nursery put together.

    Just do it in stages.  If you need to paint, do that first.  Then get the crib assembled.  The other stuff can just be done gradually as you have the time and energy to do it.  Plus, you are likely to have a little "nesting fit" before the baby is done, so don't be surprised to find yourself in a whirlwind of activity, cleaning out closets, scrubbing tubs, and decorating the nursery.

  2. No way!! We started setting up our nursery as soon as we found out that we were having a girl. Its so much fun getting every thing ready for baby. At about 30 to 32 weeks you will start what is called "Nesting" and you will want to clean everything and start washing baby clothes and making sure its all perfect. Good Luck!!!

  3. yes now  

  4. not at all!!! I was so excited to find out we were having a boy that I rushed out and did my registry right away :) Then we started painting his room and getting things set up...we were ready very early never know when little ones come early or how you'll feel the further along you get!

  5. We had ours almost done by the time I was about five months along. It's not too early. Better to do it now, before you're giant. Then you'll REALLY be tired. Best of luck and congrats on your little girl!

  6. we had his room all set up and he doesn't even sleep in there yet! he still sleeps in our room in his crib!  

    mainly we use his room for clothes (his dresser is in there) and changing pad is in there.  

    you have time, as long as he has somewhere to sleep he'll be fine!

  7. It's not too soon at all.  We did ours around that time too and it was such a relief to have that done.  
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