
Severe lower back problems

by  |  earlier

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I have had pain and problems with my lower back. I can't sit, stand or do anything without pain. I get pain that also shoots up to my neck. I was thinking of going to the ER..if i did would they give me an MRI? I've been to chriopractors and have gotten xrays but i think i need deeper evulations. Was wondering if they would care in the ER?




  1. See a Neurosurgeon for that.  They need to take MRI's yes but you might have disc degeneration going on.

  2. If you go to the ER, they will think you're after oxycontin. It happened to me and I have had back problems for 4 years and have a big scar where I had a fusion. Go to a spine specialists, or if you need pain relief straightaway, go to your own doctor and he will refer you.

    I would also be cautious using a chiropractor, if you have nerve damage, they could seriously injure you. Good luck, I know this pain is awful

  3. You need to see an orthopedist who specializes in backs. Also, your family doctor could order an MRI.  ERs are for emergencies and you have a chronic problem not an emergency.

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