
s*x and a teenager bad mixx....?

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my boyfriend of two and a half months wants to have s*x, i really care about him and he says he loves me... its so confusing. i'm not sure what to do... what if i get pregnant. what do u recommend for protection. I'm so scared... does it hurt? what should i do.. and how do u give phone s*x... im not kidding




  1. okay people on here need to calm down!!! it's normal for a teenage girl to want to experience s*x holy sh*t calm the f*ck down. Anyways, it's up to you, if you feel like you're ready to loose your virginity with him then go ahead but if you're not just tell him that you're scared about getting pregnant and you just want to wait a little longer instead of rushing it to it and if he says he's alright with that then you know you can trust him and later on in your relationship you could go through with it knowing he's not going to be an as*hole. If Your ready i would recommend a condom and some spermicidal lube so just in case any sperm comes out the spermicidal lube can get to it and kill it but still be safe because you never know and yes it will hurt but it's only while he's pushing his p***s in you, and then after that you might bleed a little for a few hours. Just relax and don't panic. Phone s*x is like: You're on the phone with each other and then he's describing what he's doing to you or he can be like saying how he wants to f*ck you or eat you out(l**k you're v****a) and you can be like: oo yeah i want you here come and do it i'm so hot while you're masturbating and that can cause you to get and o****m. oh and instead of s*x you can have dry s*x, like you're on him in you're underwear and he's either in basketball shorts or boxers or wtv and you're rubbing his p***s with you're v****a it's not s*x but it's still a little safer than s*x, and can still feel really good.

  2. You are not ready, so tell him no means no.  You are feeling very pressured by this boy.  If he really loved you he wouldn't pressure you.  

    Do not do or say anything that you  are not comfortable with.  

    Speak to the school nurse or planned parenthood about contraception, you will need to use contraception and a condom (not just a condom).  

    Please wait.  This is not the right time for you,  

  3. you answered your own question, he "says" he loves you.

    Guys will say and do anything but all he wants is to get in your pants.

    Ten minutes later he'll be gone.

    He's manipulating your feelings so you can't think clearly.

    DO NOT sleep with him.

  4. You don't need to have s*x. Tell him if he really cares about you then he will wait. If he does wait then he does care. s*x is a big step that you both can wait for. Your only young so just enjoy it. I hope that helps and good luck.

  5. don't do it if you're not ready better to wait and if your BF really loves you he'll respect your decision, besides there's a chance that you could get pregnant even you're using protection.

  6. Only do it when YOU are ready..don't worry about your boyfriend.  You should get on the pill and use a condom.

  7. i got pregnant at 17... i say wait till you are ready i'm not gonna give you any bulls-h-i-t like wait till your married.

    do it when you are ready...

    and I'd wait till your with him for at least 6 months...

    and get on the birth control pill...

    just tell your mom you have a very painful irregular period and you heard the pill could help make them less painful...

    or just use condoms... but they do break sometimes... that's how i ended up pregnant at 17...

    good luck

  8. umm it dosn't sound as if your reddy and make sure that your botfriend dosn't just want s*x but you if he likes you enuff he will stay with you but if hes just at you for s*x then well i don't think he will stay with you.i don't belive in teens having s*x i mean when your marryied then you don't have to worry that your man will leave you.and if you get pernat then well you and your hubby will have a fun time with that .

  9. to answer your 2nd ? just talk dirty to don't have to do anything really

  10. First and foremost, there is NO 100% effective way to avoid pregnancy, except for abstinence (not having s*x). Condoms are listed as only 97% effective, and birth control is around that level as well.

    That being said, if you are going to have s*x, don't believe the "if I have s*x on my period" or " if I have s*x in a hot tub" or any of those. They DO NOT work. And don't go with an old condom he's had in his wallet for a while. It's probably not good. They do have expiration dates.

    As for s*x itself, that's a personal question. I think s*x can be a very beautiful and amazing thing, but YOU have to be ready for it. You can't be ready just because he's ready. You have to be ready, because it feels right to you. And the first time? Well, for some it does hurt some, and for some, it really doesn't. It depends on your body, and his. Which is why it's always best to have a giving lover. But of course, just because you think he's a good guy doesn't necessarily mean anything. There are good guys out there that want only the best for you. And there are guys that will lie to you to get s*x. Sadly, the later is more common.

    And finally, to finish off this novel, phone s*x. Generally, it helps to know what the other likes. But mostly, describe what you want done to you, and what you want to do to the other.

    Just don't rush in. But it can be a beautiful thing.  

  11. If you have to ask how to give phone s*x you are not ready. good question what if you get pregnant. Will he stick around to help? If he really loves you he will not pressure you. If he gets mad and breaks up with you then he didn't love you and you are  better off without him

    Something similar happened to me. I broke up with my boyfriend cause he wanted to have s*x and I wasn't ready. His next girlfriend he got pregnant and he is miserable, married with 3 dirty kids and a fat mean wife

  12. 2 and a half monsths is NOT long AT all!!!!!!

    If he really 'loved' you he wouldnt/shouldnt be pressuring you into haveing s*x. Your only a teenager and it IS possible that you can get pregnant. Having s*x for the first time does hurt because when the guy puts 'it' in you he has to break the hymen. The hymen is a little membrane. It will be even worse if your not ready and you dont love him. You might end up regreting it. Dont do it. Espesically if your having doubts, your not ready.

    EDIT: Sorry for all the spelling errors.

  13. If you're not ready don't do it.

    Before you start having s*x you BOTH need to go get protection.  You should talk to your doctor about your options.  The pill is the most popular, but there are a bunch of other choices.  Your boyfriend needs to buy condoms and start practicing putting them on.  You should probably get some lube too, because your first time hurts and you probably won't be very turned on if you're doingit when you're not ready.

  14. if you wanna say that iv'e heard of breakups with these too

  15. you should only have s*x when your a 100% ready. emotionally, mentally, and physically.

    if he really loves you he can wait if he can't wait then all he want you for is s*x.

    " you can love without s*x and have s*x without love"

    I'm 18 a virgin and god d**n proud of it. i have a bf of 7 months

  16. dont have it  

  17. DONT do it! ... i was in the same situation!! i was like 16 and he said that he loves me bla bla bla, when i told him that i wasnt ready he start to treat me really bad .. i end up dumping him ... the best decision i ever made! i wasnt ready at all, the best choice to you is just wait when you're ready, the moment will come

  18. If you aren't ready, don't do it.

    If you are ready, use a condom. Make sure it's on right.

    Phone s*x is basically masturbating on the phone. Both of you m********e while you talk to each other.

  19. If you aren't ready, don't do it. Simple as that.

  20. Look it is a matter of age a not time, I mean, if you’re old enough than its cool.

    The best tool you can use is a condom. You won’t get pregnant and/or get an STD.

    The pill is good only on preventing pregnancy nothing else, keep that in mind.

    If he is one of those guys who never uses a condom because of whatever reason, than don’t do anything with him. If this is your first time make sure you guys get wet (naturally) before getting into business. It might hurt but just a little, and if you get good wet than it pretty much won’t.

    Now phone s*x its all about telling the person what you would do if you were with him/her at that very time. Make sure you use dirty language, it turns on much more. And you know the basics, like suck your ****, and staff like that.

    It involves touching your body as well.

    hope it helps.

  21. Yes it does hurt, both physically and emotionally.  Physically the first time (and afterward with some people,) and emotionally, if you guys break up.  You'll be really proud of yourself if you wait until you're a little older.  And I'm not some old person, I'm only 23, but I was there before, so I know what you're going through.  P.S. watch the Baby Borrowers on t.v.

  22. first of all two and 1/2 months is a very short time. you should wait for a while longer. As long as you make sure he uses a condom you have a slimmer chance of not getting your ego prego! lol! And YES! it hurts like h**l! it could even bleed a little. But the best thing you can do is to relax and it will make it better, not completely better cuz your vage has to stretch.

  23. it depends how old you are, if you are 15 or younger then I wouldnt, but thats just me . As long as your smart and you use protection and you really love this guy then why not? just please be smart  

  24. dont have s*x, you seem to be not ready , if he really loves you, then h**l wait. and btw phone s*x, its g*y. you sit there and touch yourself and moan on the phone. while the other (your partner) is on the line touching himself and moaning as well. ahahha after, its just awkward and pointless, and during its just weird, guys seem to like it more, i think its plain weird though

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