
s*x drive throughout the lifespan?

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In males how does it go - does it peak around 20-25 then decline slowly?

In women does it peak at around 40?

I am 30 and enjoying it so much more than I ever have!!! I hope it continues - hubby is 36 - I hope he is not on the decline!

So am I right?




  1. The variables are countless!

    A couple where one loses interest for whatever reason, will "peter-out" early on.

    A couple where both continue to tease and entice each other, will have s*x well into their 60's or even 70's

    ...that is if both are still healthy.  Diabetes and other things like smoking and heart disease will slow ability to a stop early.  And if the couple love each other, the illness will disappoint, but they can still "play".  Resorting to some fantasitc petting is a frequent option for elders that "can't" anymore.  

    It is amazing how many young people just don't understand that there is life after 50

    and 60

    and 70  


    It is whatever you want it to be.


  2. I am just answering to agree Heart. My wife and I are in our mid 60's and still have s*x once a week. We are not as vigorous as we were even 10 yrs ago, arthritis, bad hip, bad back, hinder some positions, but we still get it done, and still have lots of fun. We have been married 42 yrs and have a custom that every time we buy a new car, we have s*x in it. We just bought one. It took some thought on the best way to make it happen, but....  the tradition lives on. lol

  3. mine deteriorated fairly rapidly after age 20. I'm now 25, and its in free fall pretty much. Of course, unlike your husband, I'm an involuntary virgin and have never been any type of relationship. I guess it depends on the man. But generally, what you are saying is accurate.  

  4. I hope that you get your wish.

    [ Generally, yes, you're correct. But that's 'generally' ]


  5. A marriage should also be developing more broadly than just s*x over the years.  This is not to put down that joy.

    The comparisons should not be taken too seriously.  Every person probably has a different peak.  Michael Jordan was a better athlete at 40 than most 25 year old will ever be. So what does peak mean?  

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