
s*x during marriage night?

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Do couples normally have s*x during their marriage night? i am still virgin and i am just a little nervous about this whole s*x thing. I have heard that it is goin to hurt alot. n i dont want to freak out n stop everything. My husband would find me a lil psycho.




  1. How in the h**l did you stay a virgin until your wedding day? & why?

    Hope you don't purchase cars without test driving them.

    All kidding aside, if this is a real question:

    Don't worry about how this wedding night is going to play out. It's just you & your hubby so why be nervous? Keep an open mind & most importantly, have a sense of humor from this day forward! This may be the first time but years from now, when you've had s*x hundreds of times by then, you'll look back on that night & think to yourself: "What was I soooo worried about?" & then you'll probably giggle at yourself a little over the whole thing.

    Many blessings to you!

  2. yes they do and dont worry about it. once you are in the mood you wont be that nervous. just relax. itll hurt at first but not too bad. the more you do it the less it hurts.  

  3. You're weird.

  4. dont be shy

    let him do every thing he want

    its ok

  5. I have been married for 1 1/2 years and I was a nervous wreck on my wedding night!  I was a virgin too and don't EVER let anyone make you feel bad for waiting....IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO.  It won't hurt as bad as what you think and I am sure that your husband knows you are nervous.  IT will be me!!!!  :)

  6. It's probably a better time to tell your husband before you have s*x.

  7. Go to Victoria secret get something really cute and Virginal. pick something white. You must let him know that you are scared and nervous. Let him know you need him to be gentle. You will probably not like  it first but you will after about three weeks. It hurts a bit the first time but don't be scared it gets way better. You are not psycho. Every virgin girl goes thru this the wedding night, Make it romanticand enjoy it girl.

  8. Simple remedy, just have s*x a few times before the wedding day and problem solved !

  9. it wont hurt to bad... tell him go slow and easy even use some lube if you need to  theres lots to chose from when you go to the site make sure you enter everything even the /20056

    good luck

  10. It's important that you and your soon to be husband discuss this in advance.  It is customary to have s*x on one's wedding night, but not necessary. Since you are a virgin it will probably hurt.  To ease your pain and stress over it, foreplay, a good lube and taking it slow can ease your mind.  I hope you have a nice hotel room set up because it's definitely helpful.  Discuss your fears and anxiety with your fiance.  I'm sure he will be understanding and willing to take it slow if you loves you and he will not find you psycho.  Almost every woman hurts the first time and a lot of them bleed some as well.  You should both know what you expect of each other.  My then boyfriend now husband stopped when I asked him to and we took things as slow as needed to to make it right and learn together.  We've only ever had s*x with each other and have now been married for 8 years, and together for 10.  

  11. it doesn't hurt a h**l lot,it's just a burning sensation that last a few minutes and then it gets better.tell him not to *** inside of you cos then it might hurt alot.congrats babe

    please answer mine;...

  12. don't be nervous.. he IS going to marry you obviously he loves you. if it hurts just tell him. also tell him that your a virgin if he doesn't already know. that would help. good luck

  13. Yes, normally s*x will happen on the first night of marriage. Talk to your mom or a trusted lady about the first time. It's not that bad especially if you love him and he is aware that it is your first time and takes extra time and care with you. Congrats on waiting til marriage.

  14. well its going to hurt more when it first enters and mainly the whole time but youll get used to it and eventully be begging for it. and yes everybody has s*x the marriege night and he's going to be expecting it try not to let him down  hes done everything for you and if you do freak out give him a ******** at least and dont forget to swallow. your welcome

  15. you're not psycho.

    stay a virgin until you get married and

    dont' worry about anything.

    nothing beats purity.

  16. yes, just about every couple has s*x on there wedding night! it won;t hurt as much as be uncomfortable, but if you're married to the guy i'm sure he will be gentle and take it slow, he loves you.

  17. use a lot of lube, relax and go slow, foreplay will help - and yes i would say almost everyone has s*x on their marriage night.

  18. Are you serious?  Yeah, couples usually have s*x on their marriage night whether they have already slept with eachother or not.  The first time can be a bit painful it depends.  If your soon to be husband thinks you are psycho for this, you probably shouldn't marry him.  It doesn't sound like you are very comfortable with him either.

  19. Relax.  It hurts the first time a little, but then it feels wonderful.  Just make sure there is lots of foreplay so your body can naturally lubricate the vaginal canal, or get have som KY lubricant on hand.

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