
s*x for enjoyment?

by  |  earlier

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Are humans the only animals that perform s*x for the pleasure factor aside from the reproductive instinct? If so, do animals actually enjoy s*x - and how can we tell?!




  1. hard to tell if animals do it for pleasure or just physical relief - especially if they're being observed in a non-natural environment.  humans on the other hand, are out of touch with their instinctive nature and do things for a lot of other reasons.

    So, if humans have evolved away from their instinctive side and make judgments based on what behaviors they observe of caged animals - what exactly ARE we observing - ourselves?

  2. there a video on youtube with a walrus jacking off.  so no, we're not alone

  3. All animals enjoy it - why else would they do it?  Do you think they believe they are starting a family?

  4. I suspect humans are the only species where the females (sometimes) enjoy s*x.

  5. Rabbits too

  6. why would you want to find out or know that anyway

  7. That is why std's are on the rise among humans.  s*x is for Procreation not Recreation".  No, Animals are smarter than humans.

  8. It is just an instinct, both for pleasure and reproduction... humans have the intelligence to understand this and can control themselves and do it only for pleasure, not reproduction

  9. Funny I watched a show for this they still don't know.

  10. Its a known fact Dolphins also indulge in s*x for pleasure, dunno how they discovered this though? Maybe the dolphins had a big grin on their face or something...!

  11. no monkeys m********e

  12. ?? who would know that

  13. Pleasure? Humans? You are assuming a great deal...

    the female of our species is the only mammal with an organ purely for sexual pleasure, no other purpose, it is approx. 7inches internally situated, with the smaller proportion outside, it has 8 times more sensitivity than the p***s and it is all ours, who cares what dolphins or monkeys do?

  14. Studies have shown that dolphins are the only other animals besides humans and bonobos that have s*x for enjoyment.

  15. I think animals enjoy it because my dog tries to fu*k my pillow.

  16. Goldfish enjoy it in their own way, mine winked at me after he'd been on the job!
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