
s*x is it <span title="stupid???????????????????????????????????">stupid???????????????????...</span>

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i think it is sad when teens have babies what do you think no cuse words or pornagraphy it is very rude




  1. s*x is a primal &quot;instinct&quot; if you will.  Our s*x drives are necessary to perpetuate the species, but getting obsessed with s*x can be a problem.  Anyway, if the teens are really in love, then who&#039;s to judge?

  2. me too. i thought i was the only one who thought that these days.

  3. pre marriage s*x is stupid, because teens r throwing their lives away!

  4. i think its dumb when teens are irresponsible and get pregnant. but you need to think of other things to. some teens do everything in their power to not get pregnant. like birth control and condoms but they still get pregnant. or they were raped.

    its not always these girls who go out and have s*x with random guys lots of times its girls who are in steady relationships

    now i cant say teen s*x is wrong. i think it is if your under 16 but 16 and over is fine. i say that because 1. the law says age of consent is 16 and 2. i&#039;ve been having s*x since i turned 16 with my boyfriend of 14 months. we&#039;re careful with everything. we never ever ever have s*x without a condom. he never comes in me. and i&#039;ve been steady on birth control for well over a year. we waited 9 months before we had s*x. and i couldnt be happier

  5. Sorry, but our legal system says teens have every legal right to reproduce. Whether it is right or wrong for them, only they can decide for themselves. s*x is definately not stupid - its purpose is reproduction according to every biology textbook. It is just that pharmaceutical companies sell pills, and our Western culture removed reproduction from s*x. As a consequence, we live in a culture that places a lot of emphasis on the benefits of s*x to the point that it pressures teenage girls to have s*x earlier. Think about how the media uses s*x as a marketing tool. Rarely do we hear about the bad side effects of the birth control methods that pharmaceutical companies feed us. I mean we&#039;ve got to look s**y for the men which can range hundreds to thoudasands dollars per year, then we&#039;ve got to clean and cook for them, we have to give birth to their children, and then we have to care for those children. And, to them that&#039;s not enough. On top of that, we have to use the birth control methods, if we don&#039;t want to get pregnant. No, s*x is not stupid. Most women are because they don&#039;t stand up for themselves. They don&#039;t say, &quot;I&#039;ve had enough, and that is your responsibility!&quot;

  6. No it&#039;s fun! If you do it right and use protection.  

  7. I don&#039;t think it&#039;s s*x itself, but I don&#039;t think teens should have s*x since most are incredibly stupid.  And p**n is p**n.  No complaints there.

  8. ya i think teens should hold back on s*x until college. even then use protection. if you want to get pregnant i think it should be with the right person who you feel you really could spend your whole life with. even highschool is to young for s*x. p**n is awesome pretty much for the obvious reasons and s*x isnt stupid. that just sounds childish

  9. Can you please put periods next time. I can&#039;t understand what youre trying to say. thanyou. I&#039;m trying not to be rude.

  10. a little thing calld contraception and welll....i brain!!!!

    ever think of that?

  11. It is very sad when teens have babies when they can&#039;t even take care of themselves.  Most of the time,  if they keep the baby, the grandma takes care of him/her.  It basically ruins a teens life to make this huge mistake at such an early age.

    If they abort the baby, they still have damaged their emotional being, and sometimes the girls health as well.

    Too many people use s*x as a sport.

    God created it for a man and his wife in marriage only.

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