
Sexual Ethics Questions for Guys?

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I am working on a paper for my Sociology class. It concerns sexual ethics and I have a poll question for guys:

Let's say that you received an e-mail from a girl who mistook your address to be a magazine, calendar, etc. and the girl offered to send topless (only) pics of herself, hoping to be published in your magazine.

Would you ...

Ignore the message completely?

Reply that she has the wrong address?

Reply that she has the wrong address ... but ask for the pics anyway?

Pretend to be the magazine to see the pics?

I realize that most guys would assume that this was some sort of a scam, but would you want to see the pics anyway?

This really is for a paper, so please respond accordingly.

Thanks for your help.

Kelly B




  1. I would assume it was a scam as you said but no, I would not want to see the pics.  I respect my Lord and my wife too much to surrender to such temptations.


  2. I would tell her the pictures were great and i would need a check for $500.00 to publish them

  3. I'd ignore the message, based on the assumption that it's a scam.  If I somehow knew that it wasn't a scam, I'd just say that she had the wrong address.  I wouldn't ask to see the pictures.  If I want to see pictures of b*****s there are plenty of websites to help me out, I don't need to resort to tricking people.

  4. I would definitely assume it was a scam, but if I knew it wasn't I would ask for the pictures.

  5. My spam filter would nuke it before I had to make decision about personally.  further at my age.... we all have bodies its the baggage that I am much more concerned with.

  6. I would tell her that although I am not the magazine she was hoping for that I would like to see a pic or two of her and maybe even try to find the correct place for her to send such pictures.

  7. I would think its a scam and ignore the message, although If i knew the email was real I would reply out of courtesy and say that my address is not a magazine department.

  8. And Kelly B uses her little pic as bait!

    My answer would more than likely be (to each aspect of your question) .....It depends upon my mood and just how that her email was worded.   However, as a past art student / photographer / painter / voyeur / masseur etc etc, I really don't think that there is anything I have not already seen ! Nor, quite apart from individuals, nothing new to see.


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