
Shall I chemically straighten my hair?

by  |  earlier

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I have long wavy/ curly hair and i have never had highlights or anything done to my hair apart from having it cut.

I really want my hair to be straight, but i don't know how they do it, how much it would cost and if it would damage my hair afterwards.

Has anybody else had there's done with the same type of hair as mine? Please help me.






  1. i would recommend sister does mine it's like a perm in reverse.same idea you just have to keep the hair dead straight.she worked for a salon supplier so she got the stuff for free.i'm not sure how much a salon would charge.depends on the length of your hair and how much time it would wont damage your hair.and it looks and feels more frizz.

  2. pics? Maybe we can help you if you post pics.

  3. You have to take care of your hair properly if you get this done. It's expensive. You can search this site for more answers; people ask this question a lot.  

  4. NOOOO

  5. chemically straightening hair is very damaging to your hair... thus i do not recommend it. buy a salon quality flat iron though. it'll get you the results you want, without the damage. however, the ones you get from drugstores, supermarkets, etc are BAD for your hair.  

  6. First of all chemical straighting hair damages you hair 100 % more then straightening it. and it costs loads you should just buy a pair of good straighteners and a good protection product. Have it layered and it will thin and wont be as curly. It also costs loads to have it chemically straightened and it really damages you hair (own experi).

    So Just go and buy a good pair of straighteners and hair protection and just straighten it. Its way more safe then having it chemically straightened

    Hope this helps

  7. no you should not chemically straighten your hair

  8. People generally use straighteners, which are like tweezers but the ends get very hot. You have a special spray which you apply to the hair before trapping it between the hot ends so that it does not cause damage. The heat physically breaks up some of the peptide bonds in your hair, so it becomes straight.

    You can buy them from most electronic stores, and online on some websites.

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