
Shall I kill my puppy?

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^ Im jokin. Just wanted YOU to click on this Question.

Well the real problem is my puppy 4 months, is teething....She likes biting my fingers and hands...She bites quite hard too.

Is this normal? Or does she hate me?




  1. maybe its just her temperament

  2. it is normal to a puppy that bites your finger and toes.

  3. It is perfectly normal.

    She chews hard because it hurts when teeth come in, and she is trying to speed up the process.

    Get her some toys.

  4. No its perfectly normal puppies teeth,so 4 months is they spot-on time!

    Just give her loads of puppy designed toys,so she can chew on them. I suppose its like human babies,we teeth when we are young,its the same in pups!

    So not she doesn't hate you!

    Hope this helps.

  5. I have found some great teething toys they are called Kong. they are rubbery toys that you actually can put food inside so it not only helps the puppy teething but keeps them occupied as they try to chew through and get the food out, my puppy loves the red rubber tongue with a ball on the end that you can spray 'Kong stuffing' in, it squeezes out as he bites, it also helps his breathe as it is peppermint flavored

  6. Nibbling is normal.  Just like a baby, when puppies teeth, it feels good to gnaw on something.  Get it lots of teething toys (there are plenty at your local Pet superstore) and make sure that you let it know that it's NOT ok to bite YOU.

  7. this is totally normal you may want to get her a firm rubber chew toy as this may vent her need to chew, just like a baby who is teething, they bite to take away pain and explore. i'm sure she doesn't hate you !!

  8. Not a funny joke at all!  That is serious stuff!  With everyone on the internet you just asked about killing your puppy, you now have as witnesses to the fact that you thought about killing your puppy.  That in itself whether it is your own dog or someone else's, if you did kill her, you could be brought up on charges of cruelty to animals!  It outta be murder charges!

    As far as the chewing and biting that is all normal stage of puppy hood.  Buy her some chew toys and rawhide bones.Your puppy is only playing with you and teething, like a baby.

  9. omg you freaked me out for a sec there umm lemme think.... ok since she's teething you wanna get her some like chewers-- squeaky toys, rubber toys, balls, and any type of toy that she can rip up with her teeth and claws. This is normal-- you no for her to nibble on your fingers, but if she bites hard, each time she even tries to do it, say 'no!' in an affirmative voice. If you don't do so then she'll end up to be one of those really aggressive and nonsocial dogs when she grows up. Yeah if shes four to seven months old this is really common-- just like my border collie did when he was little. (suprisingly my other dog, rosie, didn't try to bite--- and she's a coon hound!!) yep so all you need to do is pay attention to her. if she stays outdoors more than an hour at a time, make sure that she has at least four chew toys, one tug-a-war-toy-- (of course, if you have another dog, but dont get her any tug a war toys if you are sure the other dogs get a long with eachother. there could be mishaps if they dont- if they're really aggressive one of them could end up bleeding or even running away because of the stress put on them.)  get her one of those like rawhide bones-even if she buries it, she's likely to pull it out of the ground around a day or two later. that should do it. if you need any help just ask another question-- i answer almost every dog-related question there is!! :-)

    Good luck and be nice to your dog! *another tip dont scare people like that!!!! i thought you were really gonna kill her!!!!! :-)*

  10. Hey, We just bought two puppys... weiner dogs. Our youngest is 7 months old.....well lets see.  I have gone through about 5 pairs of flip flops,,my fault I don't pick them up.  She is a rambo chewer.  Every time I give her a toy she chews holes in them, and has chewed blankets.

    Oh and did I mention things don't have to have flavor to taste good!!   Jeesh!!!!   She's a puppy!!!    She also can bite hard, and I have been working on that, by telling her that she has to be nice...when I give her treats and she gets agrressive,,I teach her the words" be nice."  I have her attention then.  This is a busy stage, but a fun one!  They are only puppies once.

    p.s----answer to your question "no" lol

  11. First, you need a good slap for your question.

    Second that is normal teething in a puppy, be sure to get her chew toys before she starts chewing other things in the house that you prefer she not chew.

  12. its normal, my dog did the same thing. her two side teeth are really sharp so thats why it hurts so much, get her a bite toy, like the king with the treat on the inside, but the ropes are too hard for puppies!!

    hope it helped

  13. this is normal and she is teething try to encourage rawhide and rubber toys and your shoes and socks and maybe she finds you tasty and some of these are bad habits but my dogs and puppies are spoiled who could tell my five month old monsters no

  14. cruul ting u kiked da lyf owt of me

    s\hes probably hungry and if not hes just playing

  15. what does everyone mean not funny it made them click on it ,anyway yh just get her teething stuff like everyone else is saying.  

  16. After reviewing the whole question. I can believe the hate thing.  (;-}

  17. that was whacked out man!  

    She's teething,  get her chew toys.  

  18. Its completely normal .. my puppy who is 15 weeks old . is still biting me slightly... just grab them some chew toys/puppy sticks... she will grow out of it .. !!

    P.S - Not a Funny Question Title  -Very Naughty!! looll  

  19. sheeesh that's not funny lol

    erm nah completley normal......stage they go through, she's just playing with you, buy her a rubber toy to munch on instead!

  20. Completely normal. Let her know that she is hurting you, say "ow" a like a dog's yelp, she will realize that she has hurt you. I was playing with my dog today, and I didn't even need to do that, but straight away after she bit she smooched up to me to say sorry. It will take a while, but let her know in a non-aggressive way and she'll know that she's hurt.

  21. It is normal, and should not be allowed. Make sure you keep yours and other hands out of reach. Do Not Hit the dog to stop it. A sound from your throat is llike momma dog would do to stop the pup from unwanted behavior.  Try it and be consistant.  Make sure you do not entice the activity with rough play involving the hands.  Use Nylabones and Kongs to encourage chomping on the appropriate items.  Make sure you give the pup plenty of excercise so its not bored and looking for other " not acceptable behaviors".  Read a "good" dog training book such as one by Cesar Milan.  Good luck.

  22. mine did the same in my chairs -.-

    perfectly normal...if u had something new you would like to try it too!

  23. She needs some teething toys - go to the pet store and choose some nice things that will hopefully stop her from chewing your hands and fingers.

    PS PLEASE don't kill your puppy ;)

  24. First that is not funny

    Next I have  a 3 month puppy and she is teething also she crews everything inculding all hands be patiance and she will stop but teacher calmly the word no and she should stop my does but be kind not mean.  

  25. Its normal,  Buy her some teething toys!!!  ones that you put in the freezer....   (and btw, not a funny joke)

  26. Nice. I'm sure that was a great thing for the kids on this board to be reading, too.

    Get some icky yellow Listerine at the drugstore, along with a small spray bottle.  Spray your hands with the Listerine and she won't think they taste good anymore.

    You can also get her a nylarope toy, soak it in water, and freeze it - it will soothe her gums, while giving her something soft enough to chew that won't break her baby teeth.

    And spray some in your own mouth for posting a question in this way.  That wasn't good behavior, either.

  27. Its normal cause of upper fangs to come out

  28. just playin

  29. She's just teething as any dog will, she doesn't target you in particular I'd say. Solution? Go to your local pet store and buy something called a teething ring and put it in the freezer so it's really hard. She'll chew on that instead of your hand, and your pup could even use it as a toy after the fact. Don't worry about your puppy hating you though, it's certainly not that.

  30. oh she cant possibly hate you. especially if you have been nice to her! :D just make sure you have a handful of chew toys and teething toys for her to play on. you can train her not to chew on your hand or any other body part of yours for that matter, and whenever she does, you can whimper a little like a puppy too. it will let her know that she's hurting you, as she may have done that too her littermates, and they have whimpered back helplessly as well!

    btw, the joke isnt funny. but it's a nice trick. :P

  31. its normal, but dont do that question again please.

    when they go through teething, it is very uncomfortable for them.  so they will find something to chew on to make the discomfort go away.  buy her one of those sturdy roped or hardy rubber chew toys.  then, she may stop  using you as a chew toy! lol.  and still, if she does bite you, say no firmly and if that doesnt nose, bonk her nose (lightly) with your hand while saying no.  you dont want her habit of biting you now, to turn into a life long one.

    Good luck and congdrats on the new puppy...=D  
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