
Share your Paranormal stories!?

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I love reading ghost stories. i love everything strange and weird. I would love to hear your experience in the paranormal please!

P.s and whenever you believe in ghosts or not!




  1. The boys toilet in my high school was supposed to be haunted back when i was there! Not sure if its true though, as i stayed away from it from then on!

  2. One night i was ordered to protect and patrol this $22 million doller estate property. It is a brand new one lived in side it is listed for sale.Sit's on a hill top.My job to make sure no vandalism or trespassing on site.All power not yet installed.Time is 1am foot patrolling around property i saw the color red flash in my mind .I new something was going to happen at 1:32am strong winds starting to blow at 1:47 wind vary strong at 2am starting to walk up driveway at the front entry way of the house i saw a ghost walk out of the wall than rentered house. I had a strange feeling about my 2am foot patrol i waited till 3am to walk the property.At 3am winds still strong i started up the drive way to the side gate with only a flashlight to see with. To my suprise 2 tall olive trees were on the walk way path blocking me from opening the gate.The ghost i saw earlyer was warning me about the trees. About to fall and crush me that ghost saved my life and the color red i saw probley said blood or death.I have experiance many ghosts in my life but never had my life saved by one.

  3. When my gran died i inherited her wedding ring....i started to wear it round my neck on a day i was sitting watching tele. and i felt for the ring wasn,t round my was sitting on the armrest of the sofa by my side and the chain was still round my neck , still fastened as before...i couldn,t explain i stopped wearing it and put it away...maybe she doesn,t want me to wear it ?? ( there is no way the ring could have come off the chain )

  4. It was so weird I saw my wife cleaning the house. At first I thought I was seeing a ghost, then I realized there is no such thing as ghosts, it was just my wife cleaning. Just kidding, BOO

  5. I don't have many ghost stories to tell but go to and press the red button at the bottom of the list of topics go to P and find Paranormal. It should be easy to find the true tales people swear are true.

  6. Hello,

    (ANS) I am not easily convinced by the normal non sense of ghost stories, however I saw a documentary into the paranormal some years ago that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

    The program was a real life investigation into strange reports about a Lancaster bomber from the 1940's & second world war. The aircraft was (is) one of the few remaining in tact examples of this machine in the UK and is housed in a museum some where down in the south of England (they did say where but I cannot recall the name).

    The Lancaster bomber in the film was located in a massive hanger along with other aircraft. but heres the important bit ALL the fluids and oil and electronics had been removed from the machine, so in effect the aircraft was just a dead piece of metal work. Nothing could move bye itself, it would be impossible as the machine was totally dead. Its just an inanimate object.

    Staff at the museum had report strange sounds come from somewhere near on around this plane. This was reported by several people but just dismissed as just imagination i.e. not real.

    Now the TV documentary makers designed an experiment, this involved placing a very very long running tape record and high sensitivity microphone in the cockpit of the Lancaster and leaving it over night to see if anything was detected or recorded. The tape deck was started recording at 1am and when the tape was played back, strange clicks faint clicks were heard.

    These tapes were taken to be played back to a number of now elderly retired men who had been Lancaster bomber flight crew. Both men without exception identified these clicks as mechanical devices that moved the rear gunners gun pod at the read of the plane. (yet the machine had no oil or active moving parts???) !!!!!!!!!! thats what made my hair stand up in fear and awe.

    Thats the most convincing paranormal story I've ever heard of in my life.

    PS: Paranormal scientists said that this was an example of an object having place memory (whatever that is?).


  7. Only once.

    I was in bed reading and looked up briefly and saw a young man standing casually by the window with his arms crossed and smiling at me, I wasn't frightened and smiled back. I looked down to put my book away and when I looked up, he was no longer there. A very strong feeling of calm washed over me.

    The following day a friend who is very spiritual (not religious) called to see me and felt a wonderful sense of peace and rest in my home.

    Then I remembered that 16 years previous I had a miscarriage on that same date hmmmmmmm.......

    This is true.

  8. I Astral Project and I spoke to my two cousins of mine who passed away.

    Anyone can project

    check out this website:


  9. I definitely believe!

    one time, I was at my then boyfriend's house. He was sitting in a chair opposite me, sitting like a normal guy, you know, legs apart with his hands slightly together. Out of no where, smoke appeared, went up through his hands in a straight line, reached his head and disappeared!

    I will never forget that!

    I can just remember us both going 'you just see that???'

    My mum is dead I got together with him just after...maybe it was her saying hello and thanking him for looking after me?! lol ooohhh...

  10. well, ok, but, this is weard.........  yestarday, i went fishing, and i didnt catch a single fish, they were there. and .... yeah.     OOOHH. I GOT ONE  a man in london near where i live got hit by a truck and the wheels where skidding over 3o metres whilst he was under them, he actuly DIED.

  11. Well, I hope you like this.Many years ago, when I was about 16 I was at home at my parents, they were on holiday.My friend were round and we stayed up until the early hours.We decided to open the curtains as it was hot and smoky(no drugs just cigs!)

    Outside, there was an old fashioned hearse and a man dressed in black, with a top hat  just like the old funeral directors! We couldnt believe it and were so scared!! It was about! I have never been able to solve the mystery! Who knows but we did see it!!! x

  12. In 33 years I have moved house 4 times. The house I was born in was haunted. Mum said I would laugh in my pram but there was nothing there.

    Next home was very haunted but I never felt anything. A ghost of a dog claimed to had jumped onto of my mum in bed & shook itself. Mum got up & showed the ghost outside. (no joke!)

    Next home I lived in a flat & my Mum slept on the floor (they reunited after being seperated for 2 years ) & she said a rat crawled over her but there was nothing there.

    Next home mum heard someone run downstairs & there was no one there. Went to a spritulist & she said years beofrehand a girl was killed before the house was built.

  13. all right when i was 10 years old my dear grandmother passed away the family oh about 8 of us was sitting down eating dinner (the night she passed) and all of a sudden we heard noises upstairs, like moving furniture, and all the men had went to explore they did not find a soul of any sort. We all came to the conclusion that it probably was our grandmother just stopping by to say goodbye.

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