
Share your birthing story.?

by Guest62363  |  earlier

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im interested in hearing your labor and birthing story.. Im almost 32 weeks and getting really excited and nervous at the same time. try to include things like -- was your baby early late or on time, how the say was at the hosptial, where you ready, did u have your stuff pack etc. please include as much details as you want. . Thanks in advance.

im having a baby boy. he is due august 26.




  1. I have had 3 bueatiful children with 2 horrible but i would do it all again.

    My first was born on her due date my water broke at midnight as the clock rang i woke up to pee i thought and at 1:49 she was born.. 8lbs 4 oz. i was packed adn waiting.. my nurses were a god sent

    My son was early 4 weeks i had to drive myself and take my daughter who was 3.. my sister later came to get her. i arrived at 5pm he was born at 10:35 it was peacful the TV was off.. it was me and a nurse again ...then the most bueatiful cry ... he was 7 lb 7 oz...

    my other daughter was 1 week early.. i was making candy for chritmas.. i was packed and i thought prepared until my water broke in the kitchen .. my husband had the car and i couldnt get a soul on the phone.. just by chance one of my husbands friends came by he dropped off the kids at the sitter and took me to the hospital.. he waited with me i was a little busy so i didnt even notice until i was pushing and he was holding my hand brushing the hair out of my face counting.. i laughed and said dont look.. he smiled we were not that close... i actually didnt care for him... it started at 6:30and she was born at 11:25 7 lbs and 7 oz also... just to close that he is still a good friend who i rarely see but i will never forget that act of kindness.. i am since divorced and working as a nurse.. god bless you and you baby.. my children are 16,13,and 9

  2. I packed my bag ready at 34 weeks just in case so that was all sorted.

    By 38 weeks I was begging the midwife to induce me because I was so fed up of being a whale. They refused GRR.

    At 40 weeks and 5 days around 6pm I went to Tesco to do some shopping, walked around for about an hour and a half then went home and sat on MSN talking to some of my friends. At 9pm I started feeling contractions but they weren't very strong so I carried on chatting, giving my friends a scare by telling them I was actually in labour.

    By about 11pm it had got more painful so I went to have a bath at body temp with no bubbles. This helped ease the pain. At 12am my mum decided I should go to hospital, despite the fact I told her I was fine, coping and the contractions were still about 6 mins apart. She called the baby's dad and we arrived at the hospital at 1am.

    The hospital checked my blood pressure, asked me a couple of questions and decided without examining me I couldn't be in real labour as I was laughing and joking (as I do when I am nervous or uncomfortable) and I wasn't in a lot of pain. They told me to go home but I refused because I knew I was in labour. So they put me in a side room to get on with it. I spent the next 4 hours wriggling about, having water drinks and taking more baths.

    At 4am It felt like I needed a wee so I got out of the bath and ran across the corridor to the toilet. I was too late, the urine (or so I thought) went everywhere. Suddenly the pain got more intense. I went to wriggle and fidget on the bed a bit more until at 4:30am I called the midwife. Through tears I told her I needed pain relief. She noticed the bed was wet from what I thought was the urine accident. She told me it was my waters breaking and asked when it happened. She then examined me and said "oh my goodnes she's 7 1/2 cm, we need to get her to the labour ward". We made the journey to the labour ward where I had gas and air, more wriggling, much more crying and at 6:15 started pushing.

    At 6:35 I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy weighing 7lb 8oz. I then stayed in that room until 11am while several midwives decided if or not I needed stitches and also the shift changed. I didn't so in the end they let me go onto the ward and told me to get some sleep. It was visiting hours, like that would happen!

    Good luck with your baby and I hope everything all goes well.

  3. With my 1st I thought my water broke so I went to the dr. to be checked (I was 5 days late). My water hadn't broken but I was 5 cm dialated, 90% effaced and in labor. Luckily I was packed so off to the hospital I went. They broke my water at 4:15PM and he was born at 6:45PM. I had 1 shot of demerol to calm my nerves and nothing else.

    My 2nd one I had induced (5 days late) because I was living far from the hospital and the doc was afraid I'd give birth on the way if my water broke. Inducing is horrible, makes labor much MUCH harder. Again just a shot of demerol to calm my nerves and I only pushed for about 1/2 hour.

    My 3rd my water broke at home - 5 days EARLY!! I wasn't packed (because I always go late) so I showered, finished packing and went to the hospital. My water broke at 7:30AM. I didn't want to be induced so I walked the halls for HOURS. They finally made me induce at about 11PM (yes I put it off for that long - I was in no pain). She was born at 11:49. I pushed for maybe 20 minutes -- all natural!!! It was the best.

    Good luck.

  4. I'm in a rare mood so I will give you the long story.

    I went to a doctor appointment on Friday for my first overdue check up. I left in tears. I cried to my MIL that my baby would never come. I texted my mom and said I didn't want to talk (because she was expecting an update). My mom drove 8 hours to come visit to cheer me up. She left Sunday morning.

    Sunday night I stayed up till 4 am watching movies with my husband. Our baby was super active doing summersaults in my tummy. That night I couldn't sleep and was up every few minutes to go to the bathroom. I finally got to sleep at 7 am. I woke my husband up at 10:45 am for work and went to the bathroom. I told him I saw white floaty stuff in the toilet and told him to come look. He said no and left for work.

    I was REALLY tired, but I felt like I needed to shower, so I showered. When I got out of the shower I put on a super heavy maxi pad. I went to pull up my pants and suddenly there was water all over the floor. I texted my husband that my water broke, called my mom, then called my midwife. My husband had been at work for THREE minutes when I called. Lol.

    I took a taxi to the hospital and my husband and MIL met me there. My water was indeed broke but no contractions. Because I was positive for group B strep and overdue they kept me... and gave me Pitocin.

    Check in to the hospital around 2 pm, started Pitocin by 2:30, screamed and wiggled for a few hours, by 6 pm I was only 3 cm.... which was progress, lol. The midwife decided to be nice and ordered me an epidrual. 20 minutes later I was numb and fully dialated!

    Pushed for about 40 minutes and suddenly the midwife said "don't do that" during a contraction. I had no clue what she was talking about, but 10 seconds later my daughter appeared! Lol.

    I tore... it wasn't bad. :) 2nd degree, needed a couple stitches. I was very ready to give birth, had been packed for weeks. I over packed. I used maybe 10% of what I brought.

  5. Hi. Well my son is now 3 and a half, but here goes...

    I was really excited as well when I was close, and so sick of being pregnant, I just wanted to see the baby.  I walked around the mall foe 3 hours and three days later I went into labour.   I got my bags ready then, as soon as I felt the contractions, so I was prepared. My contractons were very mild although I couldn't sleep, this went on for 2 DAYS!!!!! Then they slowly got closer and more painful.  When I couldn't get into the bathtub (relief) I knew it was time to go to the hospital.  I didn't have an epidural (SCARED!!) but just tried to breathe deeply, I was really annoyed when people (hubby, nurse, my mom) were talking, and I was in so much pain I thought I was going to pass out, finally they put me in a whirlpool tub and sped up the labour.   The nursing staff was so nice to me, they were helpful supportive, they had things like massage chairs too and dvd's but all that was the last thing on my mind!!!!Eventually I was ready to push and it only took 3 tries, it was not as bad as I thought!! Then my beautiful angel Aidan was with us. He was 3 1/2 weeks early and weighed 5lbs 15 oz, but he was healthy and perfect!!!   They also have a thing at most hospitals where you can have the babies photo taken, well the outfit I had for Aidan to wear he pooped through his diaper and all over the outfit!!! So be sure to pack extra clothes for baby, although the hospitals OVERCHARGE for photo taking.  After birth you tend to be a bit sore but they will give you pain killers, I didn't breast feed (just a choice)  and if you can get a private room it is so much better, I had one and actually got some sleep, when I went into the hallways, all you hear is screaming babies. LOL I sure wouldn't want to share a room with 4 others if you know what I mean!!!!  It is a wonderful experience and you will do great!! BTW your baby's due date is my birthday!! VIRGOS ROCK> GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS

  6. When I first started having small, small, small contractions, it was while I was eating dinner (burger king :) ) anyways, i did some cleaning, had you know what with my boyfriend, than layed down trying to get some rest before the baby came, well my contraction got pretty big and I went to take a shower, everything was calm, he got my bag together and the car seat and stuff and went to the hospital, on the way there we stopped at 7-11 and I got a chocolate milk, than when we got to the hospital the said they cant admit me until i was dialated to a 4, and i was hurting baaaad!!!! they said i can walk around the hospital for an hour!!!! without using a wheelchair!!! i got one anyway, but still tried to walk as much as I could... than they admited me after an hour and i was in labor for 30 hours, the epideral messed me all up, the bed was moving back and forth and side to side... my son was actually 2 weeks late... DO NOT let them let you go past your due date,  my son had some complications when he was born because he was 2 weeks late, he was in the NIC for two days!!! so tell them to enduce labor if you go past your due date, they finally induced my labor 2 days before I had him

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