
Sharing internet connects between 2 computers...?

by  |  earlier

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Ok I have 2 computers and a thomason cable modem...i tried to connect both comps to the net by hooking one up through USB and one through ethnet but the modem only allows one to run at the same time. Is theyre anyway i can hook the two computers together through ethernet (one of the computers has 2 ethernet ports) and share the connection? Or is a router the only way to go...with economy like it is a wire accross the floor would be worth the money saved by not buying a router.




  1. you can buy a switch pretty cheap these days (20$) but its also possible to bridge the connection with ur comp with 2 ethernet ports its a pretty simple process but its different on different operating systems. osx its in prefs>sharing>internet sharing. xp u select the connections u want to bridge in connection manager or something(i dont use xp much and going by memory) and right click, then select bridge. vista i have no clue. linux...well im jus gonna assume ur not using linux

  2. You are going to need a router to share the internet. I do not recommend ICS connections, because way to many people have nothing but trouble with them.

    You can get either a wired or a wireless router. The wireless router will do cable as well as wireless, so you can use a (cheap) cable on the floor for now, and add a wireless card to the computer later.  

  3. The best way to go about this is to get a broadband router.  This allows an ethernet cable to plug into the router through the internet port from the modem.  Usually these routers have 4 additional ethernet ports available for computers to plug into.  

  4. ya, a router is worth it! try a d-link router and reciever. They work so well,  and they cost about 70 dollars together.  

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