
Shark VS Hippo?

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Hypothetically, if an adult hippopotamus were to encounter with an adult great white shark in semi shallow water, who would win? The Shark generally weighs between 2,500 lbs -4,000 lbs, and the hippo generally weighs between 3,000 lbs-7,000 lbs. The Shark has a bite force of around 1,000 lbs, where as the hippo has a bite force around 2,000 lbs, and has thicker skin than the shark, although the shark is more mobile underwater.




  1. Shark vs. Hippo

    If they came across each other in real life, it would be a tie as the shark would be too quick for the hippo, but the hippo would be too tough for the shark. They would probably not even try to attack each other.

    Shark vs. Croc

    This depends completely on how shallow the water is. In an ocean, the shark would win as it would dive down and come up from below while the crocodile was surfacing for air.

    However, in shallower water, the shark would find it hard to manouvere so while it was squirming around, the crocodile would be free to attack it.

    Hippo vs. Croc

    This is the only one which has a good chance of occuring in real life. It would probably also be a tie for the same reasons as the ones in shark vs. hippo.

  2. animal planet used to have a show that the built mechanical animals that were to scale and the force of bit, behavior and such was all in line and pitted them against each other in a computer program. all the odds calculated. i actually remember a show on alligator vs. hippo. i'll try to find the show, but hope this helps.
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