
Shark attack?

by  |  earlier

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anybody have any good, clear and GORYY shrak attack pictures or videos? im only 15 so i cant watch the good ones on youtube because theyr too "graphic" and ive been on that shartattack...something. com i forget but any tales of your own? id love to know and the more gore the better!! thanks




  1. I was surfing in Hawaii 2 years ago with my dad, and a shark bit 3 of my dads fingers and a chunk of his hand right off.


  2. aaaah gorryyy

  3. It never happened to me, but i watch natural geographic channel wild, and watch attacks all the time.

    On youtube it has a video about a dog getting ummm... (Lets say destroyed) But it doesent show you the destroy part.

  4. well i my aunt soosie was swimming and she got her leg bitten off her socket the shark bit her in the stocmach tearing the intestines, blood everywhere more sharks came, one bit her in the head another in her arm, one teared the arm off all the sharks started eating her alive, she tried to swim but it was too late she was dragged into the deep ocean and only 2 fingers and her bathene suit were found.
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