
Shaving questions? {{girlss}}?

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Ok, so this is akward... (if your gonna make fun of me leave now) and I'm gonna start shaving my legs... what razor works best? shaving cream? how to do it? helpp! my mom says its ok shell buy the razor and the cream. PERIOD. She isnt too happy with it. so what do you do? tips? does it hurt? Please helpp! Best answer which helps me most gets 10 big points! Thanx! = ]




  1. Does not hurt if you do it right.

    wet your legs with warm water, put the cream on you legs covering the area you are going to shave, then starting at the bottom of your leg going up firmly (but not hard) put the razor against your skin and bring up. You will know after the first touch if its too hard or too soft!

    Hope I helped.

  2. use an electric razor first to get most of the hair off, then if you need to use a regular razor. Just remember that you'll be doing this for the rest of your life. use shave cream, and go SLOW!! don't be a a hurry or you will cut yourself. I recommend using a electric razor all the time, you shave less often, and you wont bleed.  Good Luck!!!

  3. Honey, it doesn't hurt at all, if you keep ur legs straight and go smooth and slow around the knees. There's male and female razors out there, and of course, you need a female one, that won't damage ur skin too much (this "damage" can't even be felt, usually, unles you actually cut urself).

    Be confident and go slow until you develop a steady arm. I'm sure ur mother shaves/shaved at some point :P so she should know which razor to get. I know by experience that Venus razors are pretty good. And try to get a scented shaving cream.

    Try to shave before you get out of the shower, when ur skin is still wet. If you have a bathtub, ur shaving-life gets so much easier. Remember to rinse off after. :)

  4. i woudl use shaving cream deffidently.. and try to stay away from you ankles and go over your knees slowly.

    it dosnt hurt unless you cut yourself.. which really barly hurts at all... use a nicer razer... one that bends esily.. not one of the cheep ones that come in a pack of 15.. those arnt good for the first time

    good luckk

  5. The Venus Embrace works well, and you can use soap as shaving cream since this razor is very comfortable and age appropriate. You can find it at any Wal Mart, Kmart, or drugstore.

    Shave right after you get out of the shower, and use long strokes. Make sure your razor is sharp. You do not need to shave your feet, thighs or knees. Be careful around your ankles as this area is easy to cut. If you nick yourself, clean the wound with peroxide and put a bandage on it. Never shave without putting soap or shaving cream on your legs unless the razor specifically says you can do that. Nair is a good alternative to shaving and it isn't as hard to use. Visit for their website especially for teen girls.

  6. well iuse those bic solie razors and shaving cream and that seems to work really well for me and those bic solei razors don't usually cut u unless there like ancient. But with those razors (don't get daisy razors!!!they'll cut u right up) u just slightly push down on the razor to where it touchs ur leg but not hard and then (this is after u put shave cream on) bring the razor up the leg trying not to jerk ur leg or the razor and then rinse ur razor and repeat hope i helped good luck

  7. Awh, Big milestone in a girls life:

    The razor brand doesn't matter..

    The shaving cream brand doesn't matter.

    This is how you do it...

    Wet your legs (water)

    You put about a nickel amount in your hand and rub your hands together and rub on your legs.

    then hold the razor and go up to you knee cap gently all over that section.

    Then above the knee cap do the same....

    It doesn't hurt even if you cut yourself....

    Be carefull and don't rush it.

  8. I like the venus and I use Skintimate gel.

    No it does not hurt but it gets itchy when it grows in. Just keep up with it.

  9. No it doesnt hurt, but make sure you take your sweet time while shaving and dont put too much pressure on it. You can use just about any shaving cream, but I recomend skintimate. And the venus embrace is a really good rasor. The shick intuition is also good but not a good deal at all. Its gonna take a while to get used to it, but after a while shaving will be second nature. Or, you could use nair [follow the instructions on the bottle] but it stinks. Oh and I wouldnt advise you to shave "down there" just yet until you know what youre doing. Good luck! =]].

  10. this isn't awkward. trust me, it's a common topic between teenage girls. just use a regular venus razor. don't spend your money on those beefed-up razors that are so complicated that you get razor burns anyway. shaving doesn't hurt at all except for razor burns, which are cuts that you can get. razor burns don't really hurt either, i usually don't notice when i get them. skintimate has good, cheap shaving cream.

  11. Some people prefer different razors and shaving creams. I personally like "Venus Breeze" (razor) used with "Skintimate" (shaving cream). DRY shaving with a regular razor does hurt, but that's why you use shaving cream (or you can use soap if you want to), and when you cut yourself, it's going to sting a little.

    Shaving is pretty simple though. You just lather your legs/arms/wherever you want to shave up with shaving cream (or soap), add a little bit of water (like, splash a little bit of water on your body), and then take your razor and slowly glide it over your legs/whatever. After a glide or two, rinse the hair off the razor, and continue the process.

    Good luck :)

  12. I also use Skintimate gel. but i use dispostal razers because they are cheaper(: lol.

    and it doesnt hurt at all; it feels cool:D

  13. use razorz needed and it works great in less than 5 minutes and it last a good while

    and it leaves ur legs amazingly smoothe

  14. just make sure ur careful and u won't get cut. the first couple times i shaved i waz REALLY careful cuz i DID NOT want to get cut. but after i stopped being careful i cut myself a lot! lol be careful when ur down more by ur foot. i've cut the back of my ancle SO many time its not even funny!

    ummm.....i think i use the venus kind.....sorry im not really sure! lol i don't use a special shaving cream, i have this body wash that can be used for shaving too. good luck!

  15. I like the venus razor pretty good. Any of the skintimate shaving creams work well...I usually go with the gel. Buy a lotion to put on afterwards too (any kind works). You want to shave against the direction that the hair is growing to get the closest shave. Be careful and take your time and it shouldn't hurt. You might cut yourself at first, but it will just sting for a few minutes and then go away. Good luck!

  16. I love the new Venus Razor. It work's so well and makes your skin so soft. These are the products I use:

    I reccomend this to all my friends and they all life it!

    It doesn't hurt unless you cut yourself if you are rushing. I reccomend shaving when you have around 15 minutes. You have to make sure you get everywhere and you don't cut yourself my rushing. When you take your time, getting a cut rarely happens :P

    Good Luck :]

  17. Shick Quattro for women works best, the 4 blades make it so you won't nick yourself almost at all, I personally recommend skintimate shave gel

    shaving does not hurt if you have a good razor

    also don't press the rezor down to hard when you shave, and be careful shaving around your knees

    to keep your skin from drying from shaving out use a shaving cream with lotion in it, or put on lotion afterwards

    Good Luck with Shaving :):)

  18. i do not use shaving cream, i use venus breeze, it has moisturisers on the razor, i find shaving cream only makes it more dificult, more important is to condition your legs afterwards, get in the habbit of moisturising 2 or 3 times a day for best effect.

  19. I reccomend the Shick Quatro razor with replaceable tops. They leave a really smooth shave, especially when used with shaving cream.

    1) Lather legs with shaving cream.

    2) Start near your ankle, and with the razor shave upwards towards your thighs. Keep repeating until you've covered all areas.

    *Always be gentle - this is your skin! Don't shave too fast or you may cut yourself a little.

    3) After your shower, apply lotion on legs to keep them soft and smooth.

    However, since you haven't started shaving yet, why not try Nair? It's a hair removal cream, and it doesn't have any risk of razor cuts!

  20. I just use any disposable razor that my mother buys. As for shaving cream, I just put soap on my legs and work it into a lather. It doesn't hurt at all, it actually tickles a bit, unless you cut yourself--but that shouldn't happen as long as you don't apply too much pressure. Just put the razor up to your skin and like shave it against the way it grows. Sorry, but its kinda hard to explain.

  21. i love shave quarto

    it works so well. and

    it will hurt maybe. you

    have to make sure your

    legs are wet enough and

    soaked good. then just put shaving

    cream on and rub it all over

    your legs(do one at a time)

    and then start shaving. take

    your time and dont rush it.

    when your done feel your legs

    to make sure you didnt miss

    any spots. oh and if you cut

    yourself it will hurt just put

    a towel or napkin on it and

    push on it. then put a band-aid

    on it. it helps me. good luck.


  22. i like the razors with the gel attached its much faster and u can c wat ur doing the venus glide is good it doesnt hurt just be careful not to go horizontal or ull cut ur self and watch out for ur knees and ankles hope this helped

  23. okay don't worry when i started shaving i had these same questions! lol

    k i usually just get some shaving cream or body wash and put it on my legs then you get your razor and dip it in  water and then just start at the bottom and stroke up. It's really easy! But always make sure you have some sort of body wash or shaving cream on your legs so you won't get razor burn! Razor Burn hurts! Okay and when you shave it doesn't hurt and you basically just shave until all the cream is off or when there is no hair on your legs and your legs  feel really smooth! If you are looking to get a razor I like Venus! well i hoped this helped a little! :D


  24. It doesn't hurt. Just remember: Ankle to Knee. That means start at the bottom ( at your ankle) and make a long steady stroke up. (to your knee) But don't shave your knee or you might cut your self.

    Any razor would do but the really cheap ones will more likely wear out sooner. Venus is good and any shaving cream is good, they're really no diffrence. (except sent, sensitive formular, etc)


    Don't go left to rite-rite to left

    Razors only last about a month so throw them out when they get old. If they are old and dull then they're more likely to cut you.

    Don't share razors

    Don't use alot of shaving cream. Less is More!!

  25. lol no it doest hurt at all u just gotta be carefull

    i use the venus brezee its BANGiN! LOL



    GOOD LUCK <3

  26. I love my Venus and I Use skintimate shaving cream..

    It only hurts when you cut yourself [thats not fun].. i did that the first few times on the backs of my knees and ankles, so be careful there.

    Ive cut myself by going the wrong way the razor before too. Make sure you make straight strokes towards your stomach, and you'll be okay.

    I don't itch at all when my hairs grow in.. but it might be different for other people.

    Make sure that after shaving, you put lotion on your legs.. this makes them smooth and soft, and your legs while dry up without the lotion..

    Hope this helped, and good luck for your first time!

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