
Shawn Johnson, contact info?

by Guest60401  |  earlier

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You people are so dumb, Shawn Johnson, first of all is only 16. Trying to find all her personal info isn't what she would call a turn on, neither is posting 30 questions all asking, does anyone know Shawn's phone, address, email, myspace, facebook. If you look at her friends on facebook ALL of them go to Valley High. All of them are people that she knows and see on a daily or semi-daily basis. There's some "Rien' girl answering all Shawn related questions saying that she's Shawns good friend. She's lying. She's just some random 13 year old girl who is smart enough to realize that Shawn Johnson does not want to talk to any stalkers. Please enlighten me with all these answers about why you hate me for telling all of you stalkers that you're... WEIRD.




  1. Some people are just creepy. Everyone should know better. And realize that they don't want to hear from you or be your friend or boyfriend.  

  2. Really, Im lying?  Nah I dont think so..i could find better things to lie I could say im friends with channing tatum or someone.  Look me up on facebook and youll see im real.  Search "Houston" under valley and look for my name RIAN not rien...and youll see me.  But i do agree with what your saying about creeps.  Thats why im on and 5 of my friends decided to try to put a stop to it.  Im covering yahoo message board stuff as the rest cover...facebook, myspace, and other stuff.

  3. why would you want to know anyways? I don't think that she would like some random person calling her or showing up in front of her door.  

  4. Hahahahahaha I 100% agree with you. I think its hilarious too. Like I'm a 15 year old boy so of course im going to find her very attractive but at least I'm not desperate.

  5. All of them are not creeps but fans i admit some may be stalkers but teh rest just whant an ounce and a lifetime experience to exage words with her even if its just by via e-mail.

    fine its still kinda creepy

  6. nope. but u can go 2 bejing n ask

  7. same with Miley Cyrus. like anyone would post her no. here.

    fans don't realize the world is bigger than the hole they live in.

  8. who is Shawn Johnson?  

  9. ahahahahahahahhahaa

    and me?

    I dont know how to speak english ...

    and she does not speak a word in Portuguese...

    I have to learn english ... oh no ...

    I drop out ... I will try something more simpler

    ps. I am real

  10. I agree with you except for "Rian Lying" part.

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