
She Keeps Copying Me!?

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Theres this girl, who at one point was my friend, but I broke it off cause she was always a b***h and she was really annoying.

I take pride in what I wear, in my actions, and my want to be different. Everyone at my school wears hoodies, a baggy shirt, and sweat pants and its "cool". I wear the more rocker clothes, converse shoes, mix and match colours, etc. And she has always been copying me.

I wore nail polish this one day in the colour of black. She said it was SO UGLY, and the next day, she did it too.

She is a abercrombie loving girly girl, I start listening to Paramore, and she goes and does it to, and she doesn't even know what it is.


I've confronted her before and she's always a b***h about it. She copies everything I do, and refuses to stop. Everyone knows I'm original, and I've tried to ignore it, but its like shes stalking me. HELP ME!




  1. None of the things you described are really original at all.  You should feel flattered that she admires your style enough to copy it.  Try doing something that is really off the wall and truly original, and see if she copies it.  If she does and everyone else does too, you may just be a trend setter.  For now you are just wearing what everyone else wears.  Don't sweat the small things!

  2. shes just jealous of u...u must be pretty or shes saying ur nail polish is ugly b/c u broke ur friendship either way shes just mad

  3. well i'd say if this is considered a problem in your life, things are going great!

    and grow up a little bit. no one has there own fashion anymore, it's all been done.

  4. Because converse, black nail polish, and Paramore are all so original.

    Please, get over yourself, those are all common trends for people your age.

  5. Imitation is the best form of flattery. Be glad that you don't have to follow in anyone's footsteps.

  6. tell her to f**k off.

    i no how u feel on this. its relli annoying.

    i told the chick to f**k off and getta life.

    if that doesnt work then confront her infront of a group of people. the if she keeps copying u she will cop shti from other people and stop.

    it always works for me =]

  7. are you 12?

    why does it matter what she does?

    if you honestly dont like her anymore.

    and dont care about her anymore then why are you taking time out of your day to whine and complain about her?

    if you honestly dont care about her anymore

    then dont worry about her.

    obviously she loves your style.

    thats a compliment.

    not a diss.

    ignore her.

    she's just trying to get to you.

    and apparently she has.

    and please dont act like you are so original

    with the black nail polish,the paramore, and the converse.

    that stuff has been around for what?

    a couple years now.

    not too original nowadays.

    so basically you are copying too.

    you are copying the others who originally started all that "orginality" c**p.
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