
She keeps saying i owe her?

by  |  earlier

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A while ago me and this girl hooked up. She gave me oral. It wasn't planned but once of those "thinking with the wrong head" moments, since i have OCD and something like that freaks me out. For weeks i was obsessed i had an STD, that i gave her an STD, got her pregnant, etc. Now she keeps telling me "You owe me an o****m, i'm not letting up on this. You owe me." and now i have no idea what to do.

Do i just give it to her and hope she'll go away? Or do i stand my ground? She knows i have OCD so why would she make me do this for her?

See i told her some secret stuff about people i know, because it was bothering me. I mean something that could ruin a relationship and i'm not sure if she remembers of not. I'm afraid she might blackmail me. Any help?




  1. dude, what a b****.

    just ignore her..

    pretend like she doesnt exist

  2. just distance urself fromt his girl.  she needs to find someone else.

  3. Are you g*y?

    give the girl what she wants!

    She is trying to manipulate you cause she knows you have OCD and she prob thinks that you wont finish until you get the job done right!

    which is smart thinking on her part.

  4. Tell her you have a girlfriend?

    Tell her you're grounded?

    Pfft, next time, don't tell people anything that would give them any power over you.

  5. i think you need to distance yourself from this girl and eventually she'll get the hint and find someone else to tease  

  6. You can do what you feel is right.  If your heart is telling not to then don't do it.  You don't owe her anything all you have to do is tell her she should got hers when you got yours!

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