
Shooting massacres?

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Is there a way for our community to prevent disasters such as the ones that have occured just in the last week, Illinois being one of them? I have simply been thinking there must be something we can do to prevent this sort of thing from happening! (gun detectors? security?) As a college student, there is always that thought in the back of my head that it could happen at any school (i know it can happen anywhere and not just schools but it seems to happen more in these areas where ages range from adolescents-young adults) Does anyone have any suggestions or perhaps know what steps our communities are taking to ensure the well-being of the youth of tommorow's future??!




  1. Shooting massacres almost always occur in places where the shooter knows he is "safe".  For example, they don't happen at the police station.  One practical solution is to allow those licensed to carry concealed weapons to actually carry them on college campuses (most are designated as "gun-free" zones).  The simple fact some might be carrying when a shooter walks into a class is likely a deterrent to these cowards.  Another alternative is armed guards in every classroom.  It would take at least two in each room to have the same deterrent effect as allowing concealed carry in the classroom by private citizens for the simple reason that guards don't blend in like private citizens.

    An important point about concealed carry that most anti-gun people overlook:  You don't know who is carrying and who isn't.  People with carry permits take their responsibility very seriously and don't flash their guns or otherwise act like cowboys.

  2. Perhaps employers and schools could ask potential employees and students to write a brief Bio and include a list of friends neighbors and family at least one from each of those groups. We do not know our neighbors and without some type of info on the people so close to us-- origin and personality, we are at a loss to discern a threat. If someone has no Bio information then there is reason to investigate further to allow them to be in such close proximity of others. Banks and stores demand a second ID with your credit card to protect their financial dealings. Aren't our lives deserving of some type of protective hedge as well?? I think that if inquiries were made, strange people would become more apparent so that they could be fettered out. Now that another disaster of this type has happened, we need to pass some type of order for protective measures. If we knew what we know now, that this guy was a nut case, I think we may have paid more attention to his neither gender appearance, severely plucked eyebrows and manikin smile, life is to precious to worry about "offending" someone that seems weird and has no background to stand up for their "normalcy".

  3. Boy that is a complicated and good question. I think the poor boy that shot the innocent Illinois kids was off his medications. It is heart wrenching that this kind of thing happened again. They said the man that shot the students was going into social work. How on earth did this happen? He was wanting to help people and then he ended up killing people. Im sure he didnt want to do it.  The medications he was taking and then stopped should be looked into. Was his doctor responsible with all the medications? I wonder if any of them made this worse? I wonder if he was just given pills because the doctors misdiagnosed him?

    So many people have lost their lives in the past years. Something is happening to our nation! We have got to help our neighbors more. We are all part of the human race and we shouldnt have to have things like 9/11 happen to bring us together.

    This is a sad reality to life in America.

  4. I think the media should stop covering these sickos and giving them specific identities - releasing their names and faces to the public.  These murderers want fame - they are copy-cat crimes.  If the media stopped giving them credit for these terrifying massacres, perhaps these shootings would not keep happening at the rate that they are!

  5. I say have a tighter control of gun distribution. Or maybe met every kid in college so that they don't get angry and start shooting.

  6. u know im not trying to make any racial slurs u know but itz like u know why does this happen only in white schools?

    well at least most of the pics show white students.

    n in the suburbs now dat i think of it.

    but i guess u know iz cuz i live in the hood where stuff like dat goes down all the time but yea. i guess security iz lacked in sum schools cuz u know white ppl are tought bout as all innocent n stuff but yea at our skool security iz tight yea theres fights everyday but no shootings take place at skool

    cuz they wont let u in if u beep for anything we practically strip if we beep. i guess cuz were just open bout dat cuz like u know in our skool if we dont like sumbody we let them know straight up to their face n which leads to fights almost everyday but the thing iz u dont have like weird kids at our skool i dont know itz just scary too think about all of diz n this wuz so close to home cuz i live in chicago. im still in shocked but yea. security iz tight at our skool cuz were open bout it we just dont surprise anyone out of nowhere u know i think datz betta.
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