
Short Gymansts???Tall Gymansts??

by Guest56759  |  earlier

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hey not to be offensive or anything but why are all chick gymnasts so short and guy gymnasts so tall?




  1. For girls being short can give an advantage on some apparatus because of the lower centre of gravity.

  2. The men are short, too. Jonathan Horton, the American who won silver on the high bar, is only 5'1", according to the Olympics website.  

  3. I read somewhere that their training makes their bones grow slower or something, stunting their growth. Especially if they start training at a young age, when their bodies are changing and growing. They experience growth spurts and puberty later in life as well.  

  4. I hate when Gymansts come on, i gotta turn my t.v.

  5. Short women have more compact muscles and are more flexible.  They have stronger legs and hips and but, as well as stronger arms.  Not all women, but that is the best body type for women's gymnastic, strong.

  6. Gymnastics requires extreme strength to weight ratios. Gymnasts are generaly short because of the physics governing fulcrums. The longer a boom or crain is the more weight has to be on the short side as a counter ballance.

    Hold a broom or pole out horizontally (parallel to the ground) is much harder when the pole is longer and eventually impossible if it were long enougn. somebody Archemedes (I think) once said "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world." In this case he would obviously be on the long end of the lever but it demonstrates the principal.

    I myself can probably curl maybe 150 pounds but if my forearm was say 4 inches long (a horrible thought) I could probably curl more like 600 pounds.

  7. Actually most of the guys are kind of short to ( in comparison to males their age)

  8. I have no idea, but it really doesn't matter. They are really good in what they do like Nastia and Shawn Johnson. They are awesome.  

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