
Short Story Trouble?

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I've got to write short story, for school.

We got a piece of stimulus and it has to involve it.

If anyone could give me some ideas for it I would be very appreciative. I've got a little bit of a writers block at the moment.

The theme has to revolve around "Space"

There were pictures on the page of the following:

A man who'd just climbed a really tall thin tower like rock.

An eye with a reflection of a candle in it

A space vortex type image.

An image where it looked as though an old country front deck with sun rays on it.

Picture of the city, with all the lights and buildings.

And a picture of a women in a room gazing out the window with a book and pen in front of her.

-Keep in mind, for this short story I have to have a twist in it, something you wouldn't expect.

Thank you so much!




  1.      The woman's writing her life story.  She sees the city where she was born, with all the lights and buildings she loved. She loved the man, too, but he was to eager to follow his own dreams which didn't include her.  She often wondered what became of him.

         The man's climbing towards his dream of success.  It's a treacherous climb.  One slip, and he'll fall from all the success he's so far enjoyed.  He climbs right to the very top, when all of a sudden the vortex comes to meet him and spirals him down to the deck where his parents used to sit, and where he used to hold hands with this woman he once knew.  He sits there, wondering whatever became of her.

         Is this of any use?  It's right off the top of my head, so I don't pretend it's any good, but I do hope it helps.

    Good luck

    Mike B

  2. How about someone who is confined to a very tiny space, maybe trapped in a cage, unable to get out - then, finally gets out into the open spaces and finds it's too scary, wants only to get back to the confined space of the cage.  Turns out she's a pigeon.
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