
Shortland Street Killer!!!?

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I know this is lame and it's a stupid TV program but I'm hooked!!

I read that 3 of the possible endings were leaked onto youtube last friday.

Alternative Ending 1: Nurse Tania Jeffries begins to be strangled by Dr Justine Jones as Dr Callum McKay looks on and then asks if he can have a turn …

Alternative Ending 2: Nurse James “Scotty” Scott corners nurse Shanti Kumari in the supply room. Scene ends with Scotty pulling out a piece of plastic tubing and winding it around his hands …

Alternative Ending 3: Nurse Alice Piper invites Dr Luke Durville into her home. Alice goes to the fridge to get a wine. Luke closes the front door, turns and takes out a piece of plastic tubing …

Which one do you think?





  1. Cant believe I'm ganna answer this,  Don't tell my mate's! & I only watch it because my missus wont let me watch the other channel , ok!

    I recon it was a publicity stunt and that there is a forth ending in the pipeline and Gavin Capper is the killer.

  2. I think I'll have to find that show on file sharing and watch it, it sounds better than what I've got on the tube.

  3. You watch that lol

  4. As you said Wabby, it's c**p.

    I neither know or care.

  5. I think its Mark Weston

    Hes got something against Woman.

    I wouldnt be suprised if it was him

  6. Do you take plagiarisms,

    ♫"H-man took the words right out of my mouth"♫ (meatloaf)

    As you said Wabby, it's c**p.

    I neither know or care.

  7. I'm Riki3's partner and he watches the d**n program on his own accord lol.

    There's no way any of those three are it!!!  That git Salty or Gavin Capper are definitely great suspects.  If Scotty ends up being the killer then I'll chew my big toes off!

    Rumour has it that even the cast (except the killer obviously) don't know who the killer is......oooohhhhhh!!!! roll on Dec 14 when they reveal the killer and then I won't be such a Shorty's freak!

  8. ohh i have been thinking about this! I think it would suck if it is Luke or Scotty as they have investigated them. It would be interesting if it was Justine and Callum.

    Gosh it's a trashy tv show, but as you found out it's a bit addictive because you want to know the end!!


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