
Should Adult Adoptees???

by Guest34443  |  earlier

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should the Adoptees be the ones to make and create the laws surrounding adoption etc....being that most know first hand the in and outs including things that need to be changed....instead of hot headed know it alls...that probably don't know what the heck their talking about




  1. Everyone involved in adoption should have a voice -- of course adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents and social workers.  Each has a unique perspective about how things work, and each has something to contribute.  If we leave anyone out, it is lop sided. We need a full perspective.

    Not sure who the "hot headed know it alls" are you are talking about, but the legistators make the laws that all of us must follow regarding adoption.  So, if we want to change this, we must propose change that is then brought to their attention.  

    In many states, there are two legislative representatives who represent them in the state legislature.  That would be the State Assembly member for your local Assembly District or the State Senator for your local Senatorial District.  Look in the Yellow Pages of your phone book under Assembly and/or Senate. Call any one of them to ask if they are in your district.  You can also call information (Area Code)-555-1212 in your state capitol and ask for the Operator for the state legislature, who directs the phone calls from the public to their respective respresentatives.  

    The surest way to get a legislator's attention is to tell him/her specifically what you want them to do -- vote on a specific measure, etc, such as Open Adoption Records.  Explain briefly why this is important to you and tell him/her your vote for him depends on his vote on this issue.

    This is the way to effect some change.  Not bashing people who don't agree with you.

  2. Yes. We have enough non-adopted people speaking for us thank you very much (like the NCFA - puke)

    For example, would you have two white people discuss what is best for African American people or would the African American Person have a say in the process?

  3. I think all members of the adoption triad should have a say.  They are all effected by the laws.

  4. I absolutely think adoptees should be a huge part of it. Also bio families.

    Bringing these two voices together could establish a process to erase the old school stigma of shame and secrecy. I could go on but I don't have time right now.

  5. While first parents and adoptive parents should definitely have a say as well, adoptees are the only ones who had ZERO choice in adoption--it was done to us, one hundred per cent.

    Why shouldn't we be the ones to decide what can legally be done to/with/for us and what can't?

  6. Although it's a great idea I don't think it will happen. Look at all the people who would be out of work if adoptee's created laws. every other group would want the same thing and who knows we might just have laws we could live with. That can't happen!!!! <smile>

    I do think adoptee's should be consulted and the way to do that is to let them know how you feel. Get involved with the letter writing that is going on right now and make your voice heard. Michigan and N.J. need letters.

  7. o.

    I've seen some who have no business adopting, but because they are family, they get the chance.  I still think rules should be made by governing people.  Yes, people who have adopted know the ropes and know the correct procedures to go through but to create laws , I'm not sure.

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