
Should Barack Obama drop out?

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He clearly has shown he is not executive material. He can't even handle a simple matter and be clear about it from the start. Instead he is wasting time talking about his pastor and making race an issue when no one asked him to. He might be a good small town political guy to be on the town council, but as President, no way. It makes sense he should drop out and leave it open for Hillary Clinton to save this country from the likes of George Bush.




  1. Nah, you just don't want him to be president.

    Now I don't think Hillary should be president because she continues to say what the public WANTS to hear, or rather, the public that she has the most chance of getting. (middle aged women)

    If Hillary is elected, yes she might get us out of what Bush has gotten us into, but she is going to get us into so much worse.

  2. I am conservative and I love America. I don't care what the socialists do as long as they aren't elected.

  3. yeah, or better yet he should be Hillary's running mate (as VP)

    then everyone would vote for them and electability wouldn't be an would get "change" and real results!

  4. Executive material has never been a prerequisite to being a Democratic Presidential nominee.

    You just have to be for the highest taxation levels possible, and extremely pro-abortion!

  5. Aha! I have an idea, you sound so superior to Obama, maybe you should run for President.

  6. No, because he has more delegates.

    He's only addresses the topic of his pastor because the meida keeps bringing Wright up as "Obama's pastor and spiritual mentor."

  7. Why should he drop out, he has the same rights as Hillary Clinton.

    Clinton and the Politics of FearFor years the left has accused the Bush Administration of using the politics of fear to retain power and to get its way. The events of 9/11, according to the left, have been used to scare people into voting for Bush in 2004 and for passage of legislation designed to keep us safe. It would seem they have abandoned that criticism or, more accurately, they have shown hypocrisy with regard to it.

    Former President Bill Clinton is out campaigning for his wife and touting the imagined experience she has as a major asset and reason for people to vote for her as the next president. He claims that she has the experience to lead from day 1 and that there are threats that we do not know about that she is ready to handle. Of course, there are threats out there, something the Bush Administration has been saying all along, but is Hillary best equipped to handle them just because she was First Lady? NO way!!

    It would appear as if the Clinton camp is using the very tactics that the left has complained about all along. They are using fear to get people to vote for Hillary. Bill want us to believe that these threats are there and only Hillary is best equipped to take the lead and mitigate them. I guess the decades of experience Dodd and Biden have pale in comparison to the 8 years Hillary spent as First Lady. Those two Senators could not possibly have the experience to handle threats to this country because they were never married to a president.

    There are threats to this country out there and whoever serves as the next president will have to handle them but there is a bigger threat to this country and that threat is already known. That threat is Hillary Clinton. Having the Clintons in the White House compromised our national security for 8 years and having them there for 4 or 8 more will only make it worse. Another Clinton presidency will bring us more sold secrets, corruption and dead bodies swept under the carpets with the other evidence the media continues to ignore.

    The Clintons argue that the others do not have the experience that Hillary has and that she is a known quantity competing against a bunch of unknowns. I believe that what we know about Hillary should remind us of why she should never be the president of the United States.

    In this case, it is better to go with the devil you don't know rather than the one you do. Hillary is Satan.

  8. Yeah, he's in the lead so it's only natural for him to drop out.  Just like it's only natural for him to be in first place and accept second place from the person that's in second place.

  9. This is unbelievable.  Obama didn't one decide to come out and talk about his pastor.  He was defending himself against allegations that he shared the views of his pastor, views that Obama's opponents sought to define as racist.

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