
Should Biden get it in writing?

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Obama changes his positions so often no one can keep up with the flip-flops. As on O'Reilly tonight Obama couldn't even admit being wrong. On the VP thing, shouldn't Biden get it in writing?




  1. You bet!  Hussein Obama is very much like Bush who is never wrong.

    Biden beware.  Incidentally, I think that Obama did a poor job on O'Reilly tonight.  It showed how little the man knows and how his educated but opinionated brain works.

  2. He better, cause I think Obama is probably thinking I better dump Biden and put Hillary on the ticket after all.

  3. first off you are retarded, secondly this is retarded and thirdly shut the f*** up

  4. That's a cute question Einstein. could you be less original?

  5. Both Obama and McCain have switched main issue positions a number of times.  It's a complete waste of time trying to flog one for doing it when they both do it.


    His Divine Shadow:

    Thanks for giving me the opportunity to point out McCain's pandering:

    The Religious Right - those agents of intolerance - are no longer agents or intolerant.  Who changed? It sure wasn't the RR.  It was McCain - he needed their support at all costs, including his integrity.

    Here's a Wall Street Journal article about how he pandered on taxes:

    And funny how he hated Bush's tax cuts for the rich until he got serious about running for President again.  How convenient.

    John McCain Voted For Bush Tax Cuts And Defended The Flip-Flop As A Legislative Gimmick.

    John McCain voted to extend tax cuts supported by the president that were set to expire between 2005 and 2010. "The Senate voted 53-47…in favor of extending the president's investor tax cuts on dividends and capital gains. Joining in this breakthrough vote was John McCain, the senator who voted against these tax cuts when they were introduced in 2003. This is an important shift for the GOP presidential frontrunner[.]" McCain's vote was described as "a sharp reversal of his anti-tax-cut posture," though he defended the shift, saying, "it was a gimmick," reasoning that "the tax cuts were temporary and then had to be made permanent. The tax cuts are now there and voting to revoke them would have been to--not to extend them would have meant a tax increase. I've never voted for a tax increase in my life." [Senate vote #10, H.R. 4297, 2/2/06, passed 66-31; New York Times, 2/21/06; Washington Times, 3/6/06; NBC News, 4/2/06]

    McCain's Flip-Flop on Immigration:

    Though once McCain, through his Kennedy-McCain immigration reforms, "want(s) to allow undocumented workers who participate in a guest worker program to be able to stay in America and apply for permanent residency or citizenship after paying fines and satisfying other requirements." [Los Angeles Times, 11/29/05] Now, "Republican presidential hopeful John McCain on Thursday backed a scaled-down proposal that imposes strict rules to end illegal immigration but doesn't include a path to citizenship...Among other things, the bill makes being in the country illegally a criminal misdemeanor and toughens penalties for re-entering after being deported." [AP, 8/2/07]

  6. Move out of my state now...I'm the emperor of Illinois...leave now.

  7. Um...And McCain has only changed his stance on illegal immigration twice, and has DENIED aid to veterans. Palin wasn't opposed to that supposed "bridge to nowhere" before she was Governor. EVERY politician flip flops.

  8. Ha, come on...

    The Bets are on... Will John "Flip-Flop" McCain dump Palin....

  9. McCain called the religious right "agents of intolerance" before he changed his position and kissed their behinds.

    Sarah Palin was for the "bridge to nowhere" before she was against it.  Btw, she still kept the money for other pork barrel expenditures once the "bridge to nowhere" became unpopular.

  10. Good point.  Elway, there is a difference between changing your position and flip-flopping.  Changing your position means having one position and changing it to another.  Flip-flopping means having NO position and simply saying whatever is politically expedient or appropriate for the audience at large - like pretending to be one of the folk in Scranton and then talking smack about small-town Americans in SF when a body thinks no one is listening.

    I think Joe Biden should get the VP deal in writing.  Barack Obama took three days to make a decision on the Russia Georgia conflict and three weeks to decide to dump his pastor of 20 years for political expediency, so I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to dump Biden after he has a "family emergency" or what-not and ends up making an even stupider pick for VP like Hillary Clinton, which would drive away the Republicans and Indeps who are still with him, along with black voters who got tired of her bigoted garbage during the primaries.

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