
Should I Do It...........?

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OK so I have played soccer for about 7 years. I recently quite because I got worn out. (My mom got really mad) I am a pretty good player... not the best, but up there =/. Anyway, I am doing Taekwondo, Tennis, Rock Climbing, and piano. Plus an extra on line class with school and 2 advanced classes. I recently got a phone call from my high school wanting me to come play on their soccer team. I didn't even try out, but they wanted me. Do you think i will have time? I mean I haven't done it for about 6 months! And it has felt so weird... it used to be my life! So i am tired of it, but crave it!! what do you think i should do!?

thanks!!!! =)




  1. that my friend is the love/hate relationship... you are tired of it but crave it, I'd say to join cause oviously you are purdy goood! you are lucky btw, I live in a tiny town and I can only play soccer for a month and a half of the year!! *cries*

  2. i think you can do it, if i were you i would not do those stuff and focus on soccer.

    soccer is a great sport, it will take you years and years of training to get better, my recommendation is to practice. If you want to get good  than Practice. Work on you shots, watch youtube videos on how to kick a ball, on how to pass a ball. Practice different Dribbling types like these:


    Nike has came up with a online Boot camp program and has started this month, its a 4 week program that tells you what to do everyday, i have been using it and its really made me better I'I'mim on the third week and my power and endurance has been going up. you go to sign up and takes about 2 minutes. here is the link:

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