
Should I Do This!!!!!!?????!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok. So i know this guy, and i never knew that he liked me until just recently, the day after a party we were at. So anyways, he lives an hour away and hes now saying that he likes me. But i dont no to believe him or not, cuz its over text, so you never know if there lying or not. He keeps saying 'believe me its true, trust me'. And i said prove it and he said 'next time i see you, i will. What do you want me to do' So we figured hed kiss me. But now hes like, well would you let me do it with you. So now im stumped. If hes gonna start this, what should i do or say. Anything help, thanks!





  2. no way. dont do it.

    it doesn't matter; if he's a guy u REALLY like or not.

    he could only be pretending to like you; to have s*x with you. u know??

    i would wait till marriage...

  3. sorry i cant help you.

    i relle needed the pointss

  4. well...idk....just find the love in him

  5. just say that if he plays his cards right you'll let him!

  6. don't do it with him just make out or something but your not even technically dating so start there first

  7. ooh please!!!...hes just playin around, he likes you physically probably but doesnt really care for a relationship...if u like him physically too mayb have like a wild flirt or somethin...but do not consider him for anything serious

  8. jeez thats nasty. say no.

  9. well it all depends on if you like him back!

    And if he really does like you, he wouldnt be using you for s*x.. Just take things slow and see where it goes.

  10. if u like him yes, if not no, duhh...

  11. Well it could have been a really poor txt attempt at being playful. If he's serious you need to find a better quality of guy, becuase that's not boyfriend material. That's thanks, and now I'll tell all my friends how i got lucky and what I did to you in sophmoric graphic detail...

  12. no, i wish i knew a girl that was that easy

  13. if hes being a d**k blow him off esecially if he wants to 'do it'

    but when a guys said trust me u probably should... ad if u have trusted him b4 u can trust him again

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