
Should I ask him out???

by  |  earlier

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so i used to be neighbors with this really hot guy named justin, then i moved and was sad...=(( see? night, i requested him as a friend on myspace and he said yes and that night, we talked for 2 1/2 hours and i thought he was flirting but then when i wrote him the next day, he ignored me...but i really like him...but i have a boyfriend...but, and i know this sounds really shallow, but i'd leave him for justin...but were not gunna see eachother for a should i ask him out or not? and if so, should i wait till next year so we could see eachother at school?




  1. that is really shawlow because you have a boyfriend and why did you get toghethore with him if you still liked someone else. just wait.

  2. If you have a boyfriend, then you should leave well enough alone. If he ignored you, he might not be interested.  You should wait until you see him at school and see what's up.

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