sorry, might be a bit of a long one...
so in a nutshell, i've been with my boyfriend around a year, two years ago him and a friend of mine were pretty close friends, and there was some interest of something more, but nothing happened. This was before I knew either of them..
I then met the girl through some friends, and him via a different social group. After we'd been together around six months - a year since him and this girl had grown appart, she suddenly announced to many of my close friends that he was "Her best friend, and she was really sad she wasn't allowed to talk to him anymore - because of me"
I then found out he was accepting invitations to go over her house for lunch, was complaining at her about not being in her "top friends" on social networking websites, and then put her in his - well above many of his very close male friends.
my boyfriend and I always nose through eachother computors to look for new music, convos, photos etc. I was having a look last night and was browsing through the conversations he'd saved- we always do, not through lack of trust, but simply to see if theres anything interesting happening., as he asked what I was doing, it was purely a coincidence I was looking at his conversation with her.
He took the laptop from me and said "i've nothing to hide, but thers still doubts you might read something and take it the wrong way" he then deleted every saved conversation.
after spending a few hours with him this evening, we'd led on the settee and watched a film, then he suddenly asked would I please mind going home...