
Should I believe the insurance company?

by Guest31744  |  earlier

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My attorney has spoken with the supervisor & they say a check will be cut to me this week.

Does anyone else think they're lying to me?

Raise your hand!

*raises hand*




  1. *hand raised*

    It's a no-brainer.

    Highly unlikely that the same person approves, prepares, signs and mails all the checks.  That would probably be a violation of federal law (I'm referring to the Sorbanes Oxley Act).

    Even if it were one person, it's probably not the person who spoke to your attorney.

    Therefore, the promise was made by someone who most likely does not have the ability to fulfill it.

    Make a promise you can't fill, that's a lie.

    Not to mention which, it was a lawyer who told you that, right?  nuff said.

    So somewhere down the line "they" lied.

    Even if you do end up getting a check today or tomorrow.

  2. Please explain to me what good you think it would do them to hold onto the check?  

    LoL- people crack me up.  Yes its a big master plan theyve conceived to make you miserable! they are going to hold onto the check for fun!

    Dont you think they want to be done with the case just as much as you do?  Silly.


    Anger issues much?  Sweetie- obviously that attorney has you wrapped around his finger and brainwashed for you to not get that they are just as "evil" as insurance companies.  Haha i guess just b/c hes a Christian he must be right huh?  No attorneys are scum or evil right? You dont think any insurance employees are christians?

    I come to work EVERY SINGLE DAY trying to make the accident process as easy as possible for the victims of it.  I try to provide fast and fair payments and the fact that you cant even stop for a second to consider that maybe not all insurance is "evil" shows how closeminded you are.   Im sure you didnt take a second to stop and think how many people take advantage of the insurance system and try to get money they dont deserve?  Do you know how rampant insurance fraud is and how much it affects everyone?

    Are there bad seeds in the insurance field? sure.  Just like every field (HELLO ATTORNEYS!)  But the fact that you are so closeminded that you assume every single person who works insurance must be "evil" is hurtful and rude and makes all the hard work i do every single day to make accidents just a little bit easier for people like you just go out the window.  

    I can guarantee you are one of those people who is just never satisified and happy and goes through life miserable. Therefore, its not even worth trying to explain things to a closeminded person like you.

    P.S.  you dont get to pick who answers questions for you.   Anyone who wants to answer can.   You just want to complain and get sympathy huh?

  3. Yes, the check will be cut this week, but you may not receive it until next week.  Most insurance companies do not issue checks from their branch offices.  The checks are computer drafted, and released from a separate location, usually twice a day.  Hopefully, it does not get "lost in the mail"!

    FYI -  I am proud to have worked for a major Insurance Company for 21 years, and currently do consulting work for them.   What does being Christian have to do with anything.  I am Catholic, and I work for an Insurance company.  Is that contradictory or something?  Please don't lump all claims people and insurance companies into the same category.  We are not all "evil" as you have suggested.  Not all attorneys are scum, not all chiros are bogus doctors, and not all mechanics are crooks.    

    Sorry you are having such a difficult time with your claim.  You are apparently dealing with a lousy insurance company that needs to work on their customer service.  Perhaps you and your attorney should file a complaint with your state's Insurance Commissioner.

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